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Congressional Baseball Game Results Are In

In the annual congressional baseball game between Republicans and Democrats, the GOP captured victory for the fourth year in a row.

Republicans defeated Democrats 31-11.

Per Roll Call:

Protesters took to the field during the charity fundraising matchup between Democratic and Republican members of Congress on Wednesday night, temporarily disrupting the slow-paced, high-error game that ended with the GOP on top for the fourth year in a row, 31-11.

With the bases juiced and GOP star Greg Steube of Florida at the plate, activists jumped from the stands at Nationals Park. Capitol Police immediately tackled and handcuffed several people dressed in white T-shirts reading “END FOSSIL FUELS,” as other officers urged members of Congress to flee the field.

Climate Defiance claimed credit for the protest. “Congress sends billions of public $$ to subsidize deadly fossil fuels — but the police are tackling us instead,” the group wrote on X.

Capitol Police confirmed on X that eight protesters had been arrested. As play resumed, officers surrounded the sides of the infield and the warning track, some sporting semi-automatic rifles.

Earlier, just ahead of the national anthem, a separate group of pro-Palestinian protesters stood in the stands along the third baseline — the Democrats’ side — holding signs and chanting “Free Palestine.” A chant of “USA, USA” from the Republican side quickly drowned them out.

While they might not have a cohesive line on IVF, Republicans were all about the RBIs Wednesday night, stringing together singles and doubles galore to drive in runs.

“When eight people tried to protest on the field, our officers quickly stopped them and arrested them. The eight people are being charged with federal charges – Interference with a Member of the U.S. Capitol Police – 2 U.S.C. §1966,” U.S. Capitol Police wrote.


Additional highlights from the game:

Watch the entire game on C-SPAN.

This is a Guest Post from our friends over at 100 Percent Fed Up.

View the original article here.


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