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Anti-Woke Hollywood Actor Gives His Take 2024 Election

Well, well, well, if Russell Brand is causing a stir, you know I’m here for it.

Look, he’s got a point.

Sure, his delivery might be a bit… eccentric, but the substance is there.

Russell’s saying what a lot of us are thinking.

Trump, Biden, it’s like choosing between a steak and raw fish that’s been sitting out for a week.

One will build you up, the other will make you worse off.

You gotta respect Russell’s perspective.

He’s calling out the hypocrisy, and I can’t help but nod along.

And luckily, his voice is helping to wake up others. He’s a fairly well embraced actor that the youth can look up to and say, ‘You know, Russell’s got a point.’

Fox News reports:

Actor and comedian Russell Brand said he finds it difficult to understand why any freedom-loving American would choose to vote for President Biden over former President Trump in the upcoming election.

In a new episode of his podcast “Stay Free with Russell Brand,” scheduled to premiere on Friday, Brand sat down with model, author and RNC spokeswoman Elizabeth Pipko for a wide-ranging interview in which the pair discussed Trump’s trial and subsequent conviction.

In a preview clip obtained exclusively by Fox News Digital Thursday, Brand, who has been vocal about his discontent with the system, spelled out his personal thoughts on the upcoming election.

“In a straight choice between Donald Trump and Joe Biden, if you care about democracy, if you care about freedom, I don’t know how you could do anything other than vote for Donald Trump for precisely the reasons that they claim that you can’t,” he told Pipko.

“They act as if a vote for Donald Trump is almost like you’re directly voting for Armageddon, like you see hysterical performances outside of courtrooms, endless MSNBC bombast,” Brand continued.” But I’m starting to think that no, a greater threat to democracy is this kind of technological feudalism, that tells you that it cares about you and that it’s protecting vulnerable people, all the while increasing censorship, increasing the funding of wars, increasing the division between ordinary Americans.”

The England native, who remains a long-standing opponent of censorship, said he’s been troubled by the disdain and “snobbery” among liberals for Trump supporters and blamed Trump opponents for criminalizing the former president with the “weaponization of the legal system.”

“For a long time, Elizabeth, I’ve been concerned about the snobbery and the contempt and condemnation in which people that support Donald Trump are plainly held by his detractors,” Brand said. “And this is while you have an administration that’s emulating his policies, plagiarizing from Donald Trump, while simultaneously criminalizing him from the weaponization of the legal system.”

“The idea of this…Orwellian nightmare continuing all the while they’re telling you that they’re helping you, is a far greater threat than their constant portrayal of Trump as a mad strongman figure, a kind of twenty-first century reiteration of the despotism of the last century,” Brand added. “For me, what we are facing now is a bigger threat than that.”

The actor recently hosted independent presidential candidate Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. on his podcast and performed on stage at a campaign event for Kennedy in Nashville last month.

It’s nice that we have someone from Hollywood, though he’s basically left Hollywood, that is speaking truth.

Always encouraging to see someone that was once in the matrix system break out and speak against it.

But Hollywood doesn’t like it.

They want him back on a leash.

He’s even called out Big Pharma and the whole system.

Watch his epic min rant when he was a guest on Bill Maher’s show.

It’s powerful and you can tell it resonated with the audience as they cheered him on:


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