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AZ Rep File Lawsuit Against State Secretary, Up to 1.3 Million Illegal Votes

The Arizona Republican Party’s not pulling any punches, they’re taking Secretary of State Adrian Fontes to court, accusing him of corruption.

Their issue?

They’re saying they’ve unearthed a massive 500k to 1.3 million illegal voters on the state’s voter rolls.

According to their lawsuit, half a million folks listed on those rolls have either died or moved out of Arizona.

And if that’s not concerning enough, other data sources are hinting at over 1,ooo,ooo voters who…vanished into thin air.

Democrat ghosts voting again?

Not even death can keep them from the polls, apparently.

Gateway Pundit reports:

This is how Democrats win.
This is how Democrats cheat.
This is what must be addressed by Republican groups across the country!

Thank you Arizona Republican Party for showing the rest of America what must be done to bring back election integrity in America today.

The Arizona Republican Party filed a lawsuit against the corrupt Secretary of State Adrian Fontes after discovering from 500,000 to 1.3 million ILLEGAL VOTERS on the state’s voter rolls.

From the lawsuit, pages 2 and 3:

Arizona has at least 500,000 registered voters on the voter rolls who should have otherwise been removed. In other words, at least 500,000 registered voters currently listed on the Secretary’s voter rolls
for Arizona are deceased or no longer reside in Arizona.

And a review of other reliable data sources shows that Arizona has between 1,060,000 and 1,270,000 unaccounted-for voters on the state voter rolls.

Arizona Free Enterprise Club adds:

Late last week, Scot Mussi, the President of the Arizona Free Enterprise Club, filed a lawsuit in the U.S. District Court for the District of Arizona over the State’s failure to comply with Section 8 of the National Voter Registration Act (NVRA), which requires states to “conduct a general program that makes a reasonable effort to remove the names of ineligible voters from the officials lists of eligible voters by reason of … (A) the death of the registrant; or (B) a change in the residence of the registrant” to maintain accurate voter-registration records in a uniform manner across the state.

“Election integrity is a serious issue in our nation,” said Mussi. “Ensuring that Arizonans can have faith in the integrity of our election system and representative government starts with clean voter rolls that leave no doubts about who is able to cast a ballot. That’s why we sent a prelitigation notice to Secretary Fontes last August highlighting the artificially high voter registration rates. Unfortunately, most Arizona counties continue to have voter registration rates far exceeding the national average. We hope that the court compels Secretary Fontes to comply with his obligations under the NVRA to clean up Arizona’s voter rolls.”

Joining Mussi as Plaintiffs in this challenge are the Chair of the Republican Party of Arizona, Gina Swoboda, and Steven Gaynor.

In their lawsuit, the Plaintiffs argue that Arizona Secretary of State Adrian Fontes has failed to perform his mandatory list maintenance duty under the NVRA.

You can view full lawsuit here.


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