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CNN Reporter Shocked at the Size of Trump Rally in Blue State

Kristen Holmes, CNN correspondent, admitted to anchor Anderson Cooper that she was shocked by the large amount of support for the President Trump rally in the Bronx on Thursday.

The rally in south Bronx estimated to be around 25,000 people, crushing the initial 3,500 that was expected to attend.

The widely successful rally comes to the dismay of many Democrats:

Fox News adds more on the diverse support for President Trump at the rally:

The thousands of people gathered to see the former president were a diverse group, including what Fox News Digital noted were Black, Hispanic, White, Asian and Muslim supporters. A number of attendees traveled from as far as Pennsylvania, New Jersey and Connecticut. Many said they were from the Bronx, Brooklyn or Queens.

Trump won less than 10% of the vote in the Bronx when he ran in 2016. His support in the Bronx edged up to 16% in his 2020 re-election defeat, with Biden winning 83.5% of the vote, but current polls suggest the former president is making more gains with Black and Hispanic voters.

While New York as has not voted for the Republican candidate since the election in 1984, the tides seem to be turning thanks to a combination of President Trump, and the simply awful Democratic policies in New York.


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