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Meet The “Human Printer” — One Of President Trump’s Most Trusted Aids

CNN seems to be beside themselves that Trump is able to have stacks of printed documents after his trial.

I mean, almost everyone carries around a smart phone that is like a mini computer.

Do they not think that people can have mini printers?

It’s the year 2024.

Try to keep up, CNN.

It’s called being efficient.

Here you go, CNN. Get ready to have your mind BLOWN!

I’m not saying that’s the exact printer thats used, I’m just showing you that this device is fairly easy to get.

They’re about $50-$150 on eBay, but I can see how that would be outside of CNN’s budget these days.

Daily Mail reports:

Day after day as Donald Trump speaks before cameras outside his hush money trial he wields stacks of papers referencing legal experts.

Choosing and providing them is the job of Natalie Harp, 32, an ultra-loyal aide who is now a fixture in Trump’s entourage.

In MAGA world they call her ‘The Human Printer’ and few have more access to the potential next President of the United States.

Harp, 32, a platinum blonde, whose nickname was first reported by The Bulwark, carries in her duffle bag a portable printer, batteries and plenty of paper to feed Trump’s insatiable desire for news.

When not at the trial she follows her boss around the golf course in a buggy complete with her printing equipment.

It serves as a mobile office from which she can deliver updates to Trump.

So who is Natalie Harp, and how did she become he information gatekeeper to the ex-president?

Harp hails from California where she grew up in a devout Christian family.

In 2015 she graduated from Liberty University, the evangelical Christian college in Lynchburg, Virginia.

The same year, Harp was diagnosed with bone cancer and went on to have unsuccessful chemotherapy twice.

In 2018 Trump’s Right to Try law allowed her to seek an effective treatment for her Stage 2 bone cancer after others had failed.

The law allows patients to apply to use experimental drugs that have not been FDA-approved.

Harp says Trump’s law saved her life.


Here’s CNN biased report.


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