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Democrats Freak Out Over Justice Alito for Flying ‘J6 ‘ Appeal to Heaven Flag

The Democrats think they’ve got their ‘gotcha!’ moment.

You see, Justice Samuel Alito stirred up the liberals with a simple flag choice.

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and a flock of other left-leaning voices took aim at Alito for flying the Appeal to Heaven flag at his vacation home.

This flag was originally designed to be flown by US ships during the Revolutionary War.

But that’s not stopping the Dems.

They tried to draw connections between Alito’s choice of flag and the ‘chaos’ at the Capitol on January 6.

Quite the leap. But these accusers will take anything they can in their attempts to slander Republicans and Trump supporters.

The Post Millennial reports:

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Sen. Dick Durbin, and other left-wing pundits and politicians dogpiled Supreme Court Justice Samuel Alito for flying the traditional Appeal to Heaven flag at his vacation home in 2023 on Wednesday.

A piece published by the New York Times reported that Alito had the flag up at his vacation home in 2023 and attempted to link Alito to protests and riots at the capitol building on January 6. The flag was originally designed to be flown by US ships that George Washington directly commanded during the Revolutionary War. This comes after a different story where Alito’s wife reportedly flew an American flag upside down over an argument with a neighbor.

AOC jumped on this in an interview with Chirs Hayes and said that “Samuel Alito has identified himself with the same people who raided the Capitol on January 6.” She called it a “threat to democracy” that he had flown the flag as a Supreme Court Justice, despite the history of the flag.

She then called for the Senate to have an “active investigation” into the matter of both the Appeal to Heaven flag and the upside-down US flag as she tried to link the Supreme Court Justice to January 6.

Senator Dick Durbin chimed in online and posted, “This incident is yet another example of apparent ethical misconduct by a sitting justice, and it adds to the Court’s ongoing ethical crisis.”

They’re losing their mind over it.


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