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‘Way Out Of Line’: Here’s Why A Catholic Group Is Taking The Biden Administration To Court

Memorial Day is coming up, but one prominent organization isn’t going to be able to host its traditional ceremony at a national cemetery in Virginia.

For the second year in a row, the Biden administration has withheld a permit from the Knights of Columbus, but the Catholic group is pushing back by taking the issue to court.

As the Washington Times reports:

Memorial Day services at national cemeteries are a longstanding Knights of Columbus tradition.

In fact, another Knights council is holding its annual Memorial Day Mass at the Andersonville National Cemetery in Andersonville, Georgia, an event being promoted by the NPS on its website.

Memorial Day, which is observed annually on the last Monday in May, falls this year on May 27.

Roger Byron, First Liberty senior counsel, argued that the agency’s decision to deny the Petersburg council violates the First Amendment and Religious Freedom Restoration Act.

“The National Park Service is way out of line,” he said. “This is the kind of unlawful discrimination and censorship RFRA and the First Amendment were enacted to prevent. Hopefully, the court will grant the Knights the relief they need to keep this honorable tradition alive.”

The dispute has attracted some attention on social media in recent days:

Of course, the officials had their excuses ready, as Fox News reported:

“National Cemeteries are established as national shrines in tribute to those who have died in service to our country, and as such any special activities within the cemetery are reserved for a limited set of official commemorative activities that have a connection to military service or have a historic and commemorative significance for the particular national cemetery,” Alexa Viets, superintendent of the Petersburg National Battlefield, told the Times.

Religious services and vigils have been classified as “demonstrations” since at least 1986, according to the park website, and are prohibited in national cemeteries.

“Conducting a special event or demonstration, whether spontaneous or organized, is prohibited except for official commemorative events conducted for Memorial Day, Veterans Day and other dates designated by the superintendent as having special historic and commemorative significance to a particular national cemetery. Committal services are excluded from this restriction,” the rules say.

Although Biden claims to be a devout Catholic, his actions and decisions in office indicate otherwise. And, as the video below demonstrates, some religious leaders have been outspoken in their denunciation of his behavior:


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