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High School Male Athlete Receives Boos After Winning Female State Championships

While it is not customary for the person who took second place receive the higher praise than the person who took first, this is exactly what happened at the Oregon School Activities Association Track and Field State Championships on Saturday, May 18th.

Aayden Gallagher, a biological male, competed in the girls 200-meter race at the University of Oregon in Eugene, he would go on to win by two tenths of a second.

Gallagher also placed second in the 400m dash as well.

Coincidentally, Gallagher’s time of 23.82 seconds would not have even qualified him for the boys event.

While many people are split on social media, nearly everyone in the stands on Saturday were whole heartedly against Gallagher competing.

Just listen to the boos from the crowds after he gets the gold medal:

Gallagher’s win is just another factor in the debate for trans athletes in athletics.

Unfortunately for the females competing at this event, Oregon is one of 25 states within the United States that allow transgender students to participate in school sports aligning with their gender identity.

NBC News provides more on what Republican lawmakers are doing to stop this madness:

Twelve Republican state lawmakers sent a letter to the OSAA in April condemning the policy and vowing to challenge it. The lawmakers, all of whom are women, cited Gallagher’s participation in the girls’ high school track and field division as reason for their concern.

While people are attempting to defend Gallagher’s win, countless people have taken to X to express their opinions of the matter:

The change needs to happen at the political level, people will continue to cheat and take advantage of the system until something prevents a scenario like this from even happening.


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