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Trump-Endorsed Candidate Vince Fong Replaces Kevin McCarthy

Ok, folks, we’ve got another win from Team Trump!

President Trump’s pick for Kevin McCarthy’s replacement in Congress, California Assemblyman Vince Fong, took the win in a special election.

This win is a big deal for Fong.

And a major boost for the Republican Party!

With majority in the House, this gives House Speaker Mike Johnson the extra support to advance his legislative agenda.

But what agenda will he push for?

New York Post reports:

Republican California state Assemblyman Vince Fong emerged victorious Tuesday in the special election race to complete the remainder of ousted former House Speaker Kevin McCarthy’s term.

Once sworn in, Fong will add some cushion to the narrow majority Republicans hold in the House of Representatives.

The House GOP conference has been grappling with a 217-213 majority for the last several weeks, meaning the GOP could only afford to lose one vote on any bill if Democrats vote along party lines.

With McCarthy’s old seat now accounted for, there are four vacancies remaining in the lower chamber.

McCarthy, 59, resigned from Congress in the weeks after eight House Republicans and all Democrats voted to remove him from the speakership last October.

Fong, 44, received endorsements from both McCarthy and former President Donald Trump in his special election race, with the presumptive GOP nominee for president labeling the assemblyman as a “true Republican.”

“With the campaign over, the real work now begins,” he added. “In Congress, I will remain focused on solving the tough issues facing our community – securing the border, supporting small business, bringing investment in water storage and infrastructure, unleashing our energy industry, and keeping the United States safe amidst the grave security threats facing our nation.”

Fong defeated fellow Republican and Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux in the 20th Congressional District race, by a 60.3% to 39.7% margin.


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