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Trump, Allies Cite Classified Document To Expose Alleged Assassination Attempt By Biden

There’s no doubt that the Biden White House would go to almost any lengths imaginable to eliminate Donald Trump as a competitor in the upcoming general election.

But if the ongoing criminal trials won’t do the trick, would the administration stoop to even more reprehensible measures?

That’s what Trump and some of his top allies in Congress are speculating after classified documents related to the 2022 FBI raid of his Mar-A-Lago resort came to light.

As Yahoo News derisively reported:

After Donald Trump accused President Joe Biden of ordering federal law enforcement to use “deadly force” on him during 2022’s Mar-a-Lago raid, right-wing provocateurs and MAGA lawmakers have quickly seized on the opportunity to cook up a wild assassination plot.

And though Fox News didn’t sink nearly to the depths of the Trumpiest edges of the conservative media universe, the network still wondered whether a standard FBI policy document meant Biden was saying it “would be okay to kill Donald Trump.”

Trump set MAGA world ablaze on Tuesday afternoon when he took to his failing Truth Social platform to blare in all-caps that Biden’s Department of Justice had “AUTHORIZED THE FBI TO USE DEADLY (LETHAL) FORCE. NOW WE KNOW, FOR SURE, THAT JOE BIDEN IS A SERIOUS THREAT TO DEMOCRACY.”

The concerns were echoed by a number of other prominent sources on social media:

Naturally, the FBI sought to dismiss the concerns with a rushed statement following Trump’s remarks, per NBC News:

Trump, who has often accused Biden of weaponizing the justice system against him, appeared to be referring to newly unsealed court filings related to documents found at Mar-a-Lago after the FBI searched it in 2022.

In a rare statement Tuesday night, the FBI said that it had followed standard procedure during the search of Trump’s property and that no additional steps had been ordered.

“The FBI followed standard protocol in this search as we do for all search warrants, which includes a standard policy statement limiting the use of deadly force. No one ordered additional steps to be taken and there was no departure from the norm in this matter,” the statement said.

The issue of assassination is not one to be taken lightly, and Trump has been the target of many such threats since he began his 2016 campaign. Nevertheless, a group of journalists clearly thought the idea was a big joke:


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