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Flying Time Bombs: Nearly 300 BOEING Jets Could EXPLODE

What’s a week without bad Boeing news?

This time it turns out nearly 300 of their airliners are potential ticking time bombs.

There’s an electrical problem and it’s linked to the fuel tanks.

The ones right under the wings.

Make sure you have your phone in Flight Mode! they sa.

But this electrial issue that could ignite the tank and blow your plane up like you’re in a Mission Impossible movie, eh, they’ll get around to it.

The FAA has given them until May 9th to deal with this.

Hey, that’s already passed.

Think the problem is fixed?

Boeing’s response is still pending…

Gateway Pundit reports:

A severe and potentially catastrophic flaw has been identified in nearly 300 Boeing 777 jets operated by major airlines, including United and American Airlines.

This flaw, rooted in an electrical issue, poses a risk of causing the aircraft’s wing fuel tanks to ignite and explode, a recent investigation by Daily Mail has disclosed.

The Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) highlighted this concern in a notice issued on March 25, 2024, which revealed that an “electrostatic discharge” near the center-wing fuel tanks could act as an ignition source, leading to a possible fire or explosion.

Boeing has been given a deadline until May 9 to address these issues, although their response remains pending. The proposed fix involves the installation of new electrical bonding and grounding measures around the air intake system near the center-wing fuel tanks.

According to the FAA, this fix would cost less than $698,000 for all affected aircraft within the U.S., with individual parts priced at merely $98 per plane.

Daily Mail adds:

Another fleet of Boeing jets were found earlier this year to have a potentially fatal flaw, can reveal.

Discovery of the flaw exposes that nearly 300 more Boeing planes are potentially at risk, including jets used by United and American Airlines, according the notice by the Federal Aviation Administration.

The FAA reported the issue in March and requested that Boeing and other outside experts respond by May 9, but it remains unclear if the company has done so. has approached both Boeing and the FAA for comment.

It is just the latest major safety warning to be directed at the scandal-hit company by regulators — as multiple models of Boeing passenger jets have face door plug blowoutsmid-air engine fires, and two deadly crashes which killed 346 people.

Planning on flying anytime soon?

Pack accordingly.

Get your bomb suit here.


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