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Border Invasion: 1000’s Released In 1 Day This Week

Folks, let’s cut to the chase.

The numbers don’t lie.

The tide of illegal immigrants being released into the US is staggering.

Just take a look at Friday’s stats: around 3,500 invaders were set free with court dates that are, shall we say, far from immediate.

Yesterday alone, the Border Patrol released roughly 2,000 illegals.

The system is clearly overwhelmed.

What will it take to bring this to an end?

And these stats usually forget the ‘gotaways’.

Gateway Pundit reports:

The proof is in the numbers. The number of illegals released into the US is very high. Friday’s statistics showed that about 3,500 were released with court dates in the distant future.

The Border Patrol released about 2,000 illegal aliens yesterday with another 1,400 plus at ports of entry. A lot of these illegals are released on the CBP One App, which is over 1,200 plus illegals per day.

The San Diego sector has seen a major increase in Chinese illegal aliens crossing the border. Per CBP, over 200 Chinese illegal aliens were apprehended at the San Diego sector of the southern border for two days in a row earlier this month.

Under crooked Joe Biden and his regime, there has been an estimated 10 to 12 million illegals that have crossed the border.

That number equals about the population of 41 individual states.

What it comes down to is that the Biden regime is intentionally leaving the border open. Their goal is to destroy America and replace our culture.

DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has continually forsaken his responsibility to protect the border. In February, Mayorkas was on NBCs “Meet the Press” and dodged all responsibility for the border mess.

“Do you bear responsibility for what is happening at the border?” Kristin Welker asked.

“We don’t bear responsibility for a broken system,” Mayorkas continued.


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