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Under Scrutiny: Investigation Into Shocking Surge in Chinese Illegal Immigration

Okay, folks. So the House committee is finally diving deep into the surge of Chinese illegal immigration.

And looks like next week The House Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability will be having a hearing.

Turns out there’s been an 8,000% spike in Chinese illegal immigration since March 2021.

The House will also be checking into border authorities’ policies that clearly allowed this invasion.

There better be answers during this House investigation!

But you know, we already have a good idea what the answers are.

What we need are solutions! Close borders, deportations and justice not endless committees!

Daily Caller reports:

A House committee is scheduled to examine factors contributing to the historic surge in Chinese illegal immigration next week, the Daily Caller News Foundation has learned.

The House Homeland Security Committee’s Subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability will hold a hearing on Thursday concerning the roughly 8,000% increase in Chinese illegal immigration the U.S. has experienced since March 2021, as well as policies by border authorities that may have contributed to the spike, a committee spokesperson told the DCNF.

The DCNF recently revealed an internal U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) email showing that the Biden administration dramatically simplified the vetting process for Chinese illegal immigrants in April 2023, which has increased the speed of Chinese illegal immigrants entering the country.

The CBP email directed Border Patrol agents to reduce the 40 questions they were required to ask Chinese illegal immigrants down to just five “basic questions” concerning their “Military Service,” “Universities,” “POB/Region,” “Employment” and “Political Party.”

North Carolina Republican Rep. Dan Bishop, chair of the subcommittee on Oversight, Investigations, and Accountability, told the DCNF that a “wide-open border presents a ripe opportunity for the [Chinese Communist Party] to undermine our national security.”

“This dramatic surge calls for intense scrutiny — especially as Border Patrol agents have been instructed to decrease vetting for Chinese nationals in order to process them into the country faster,” Bishop said. “As the CCP continues its quest for geopolitical dominance and threatens our sovereignty, we must examine the risks presented by releasing ever-increasing numbers of minimally-vetted Chinese nationals into our communities.”

U.S. authorities have encountered 24,376 Chinese nationals at the southwest border in fiscal year 2024 alone, according to the committee. In February 2024, the Republican National Committee adopted a resolution condemning the Biden administration’s immigration policies, citing the national security threat posed by “Chinese military-aged men” entering the country illegally, the DCNF reported.

Ammon Blair, a former Border Patrol agent and Army veteran, told the DCNF that “being a Border Patrol agent during the surge in Chinese illegal aliens felt like confronting a scene from ‘Red Dawn.’”

Cory Gautereaux, a San Diego small business owner, has collected dozens of identification cards discarded by Chinese illegal immigrants after crossing the U.S. southern border.

It’s time to send them back.

This needs to be the year when these border crisis ends!


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