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SURPRISED? Democrats REJECT Bill To Make Buying Children For Sex A Felony

Why the Democratic party is still allowed to even exists is a mystery.

They need to be labelled as anti-American, anti-Humanity terrorist group.

They literally voted to protect those that buy children for degenerate and immoral behavior.

You see, there’s a bill to make purchasing kids for sex a felony, but it was stopped by Democrats but then it was changed and allowed to move forward.

But the changes were adding amendmets, like protecting the ability to buy 16 and 17 year olds.

The end of the Democratic party can’t come too soon.

CBS News reports:

SACRAMENTO — A California bill that pushes for harsher penalties against people who buy sex from children moved forward Tuesday, but not without a fight between members of the public safety committee and the bill’s author Senator Shannon Grove.

The original bill, authored by Senator Shannon Grove, would make soliciting a minor for sex, agreeing to engage or engaging in any form of commercial sex with a child a felony offense with a sex offender registry required on repeat offenses.

However, Democrats on the public safety committee amended the bill to exempt 16- and 17-year-olds from the penalties and reduce the punishment from two years in prison to up to a year in county jail.

Grove got emotional while addressing the committee about the changes made to the bill.

“You have a committee forcing amendments in front of survivors that are advocating for this bill,” Senator Grove said. “I’m incredibly disappointed that not only did my colleagues reject my proposal to make the buying of children for sex a prison felony, but that I was blindsided when they amended my bill without my consent.”

Those against the bill including Senator Scott Wiener said they fear it could target the wrong people by punishing young adults in consensual relationships with minors.

Whoa, whoa.

Hold on. Did you catch that?

Among those against the bill is Scott Wiener.

Many of you think you know the Enemy, but do you know truly know?

“He passed a law that will no longer require adults who have anal or oral sex with a 14 year olds to register as a sex offender.

“He passed a law that will no longer make it a felony to knowingly give someone aids without informing them.

Here’s the face of the Enemy.

Mark it well:

He also wants males that say they’re women to go into women’s prisons to keep the rapes occuring.

I’m not allowed to write how I really feel about this commie internationalist, defiler of the youth.

ChatGPT, define for us all what “defiler” really means:

The term “defiler” generally refers to someone who desecrates, corrupts, or violates something sacred, pure, or morally upright.

In a social context, a “defiler” typically refers to someone who tarnishes or violates societal norms, values, or standards of decency through their actions or behaviors. This term can encompass various forms of misconduct or behavior that are considered offensive, disrespectful, or morally objectionable within a community or society.

For example, in social interactions, a defiler could be someone who:

  • Engages in behavior that undermines or disrespects the rights or dignity of others, such as harassment, bullying, or discrimination.
  • Violates social etiquette or norms by engaging in offensive or inappropriate conduct.
  • Shows disregard for commonly accepted moral or ethical principles, such as honesty, integrity, or fairness.
  • Acts in a manner that disrupts social harmony or cohesion, such as spreading rumors or inciting conflict.

Essentially, a defiler in a social context is someone whose actions or behavior are perceived as harmful, disruptive, or offensive to the fabric of social life and community values. The term implies a sense of betrayal or violation of what is considered acceptable within a given social framework.

In other words, doing the Devil’s work.

CBS News continues:

“This bill goes well beyond human trafficking. I think human trafficking, we should throw the book at them. This bill would sweep in a lot of people who are not trafficking. This bill will send people to state prison, on the sex registry, which is basically in many ways the end of their life,” Sen. Wiener said.

Shane Harris, President of the People’s Association of Justice Advocates, joined alongside Sen. Grove in a press conference before the committee hearing to express support for the bill. As a criminal justice advocate, Harris said this would protect the most vulnerable Californians.

“Part of the reason that I’m supporting the bill and what, and have been supporting it, is because 60% of trafficked victims are actually fostered youth, or have been in foster care,” Harris, who is a former foster child himself, said.

He also disagreed with the move to make amendments.

“I think it is just completely delirious that these senators who sit on this committee, some of them decided to go the way of amending the bill without the author’s consent,” Harris said. “It explains where we are in this state when it comes to how we view our children and our most vulnerable children.”

This bill has been has fighting for a year now.

God bless Shannon Grove for continuing the fight!

Justice will prevail no matter what the Democrats try to do.


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