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Top Secret Cold War Artifact Found in Cape Cod

Check this out. Looks like officials out on Cape Cod solved part of a Cold War mystery.

Out in Marconi Beach in Massachusetts, they stumble upon none other than a massive artifact that’s one of the original drones.

Quickly they hauled it off before it was lost.

But how did it get there?

Did it simply roll up the shore?

I suppose the sea does hold plenty of secrets. And now it’s releasing one tied to the Cold War.

This reminds us of something more deadly that was lost during that time. An H-bomb.



Fox News reports:

Officials on Cape Cod have reportedly solved a piece of history after a mysterious object dating back to the Cold War was found on a local beach.

The large artifact, resembling an aircraft fuselage, was found on Marconi Beach in Massachusetts in early April, according to a recent post shared on Cape Cod National Seashore’s Facebook page.

Staff at the beach worked together to remove the object before it was swept away by an incoming storm, Fox 35 Orlando reported.

After looking further into the relic, the staff was able to connect the fuselage, which is the body of an aircraft, to a top-secret Cold War program, according to the station.

“Park historian Bill Burke examined the object and determined that it was in fact the fuselage of a RCAT (Remote Control Aerial Target),” Cape Cod National Seashore officials reported.

While it arguably may resemble a missile or a piece of a UFO, staff at National Park Services was able to identify the item as an attachment to a drone plane that was once used for target practice, Fox 35 Orlando reported.

“RCATs were drone planes used for target practice for anti-aircraft training off Marconi at a former United States military training camp (Camp Wellfleet) during the 1940s and 50s,” National Park Services officials said.

These drones were reportedly once used at an informal training camp that few knew about.

“Aircraft equipped with an RCAT would take off from a now defunct runway located in the woods of Wellfleet,” Cape Cod National Seashore officials wrote on Facebook.

“The RCAT would then be rocket-launched off the aircraft at 0 to 60 mph within the first 30 feet, and then controlled remotely from the bluff.”

4 years ago someone came across this in the same location.

What else is over there?

Will the lost thermonuclear bomb ever turn up?


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