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KONA BLUE: Details Of Secret Government UFO Program Revealed

Details of a secret government UFO project were recently revealed as part of an AARO report on the topic.

According to sources, “Kona Blue” was reportedly a deep black program that researched downed UFOs and conducted tests on psychic abilities.

Additionally, the report claims that government contractors were also researching interdimensional transmission.

The claims laid out in the AARO report are nothing new and are corroborated by a previous report naming the “Office of Global Access” as the CIA division tasked with UFO crash retrievals.

Tucker Carlson and Joe Rogan dissected the latest reports and talked at length about the UFO topic.

Here is a segment of their conservation from their full-length 3-hour interview and more on the Kona Blue project:

News Nation provided this information on the program’s budget:

The documents laid out a budget between $12 and $15 million for the first year, $25 million for the second year and eventually an operating expense of more than $50 million.

The purpose was national security, with a goal of “(accessing) recovered advanced technology and (determining) its threat capability.”

Ashton Forbes, the DoD contractor currently investigating the mysterious disappearance of Malaysian Air Flight MH370, shared his thoughts.

He related the purported experimental research and reports from the Kona Blue initiative to the disappearance of the plane, which he believes was abducted using exotic ‘alien’ technology.

According to Newsmax, the government report ultimately concluded:

As a result, the report said there was “no evidence that any [U.S. government] investigation, academic-sponsored research, or official review panel has confirmed that any sighting of a UAP represented extraterrestrial technology.”


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