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WATCH: Video Proof That Bill Barr Was Part Of The 2020 Steal? YOU Decide

A lot of us strongly suspect that former Attorney General Bill Barr was a deep state plant inside the Trump administration.

The career bureaucrat made no effort to investigate the botched 2020 election despite mounting evidence showing that Joe Biden did not win the Presidency.

Now, we are seeing a resurfaced video in which Barr is seen openly telling officials and investigators to “stand down” and cease probing the clearly fraudulent 2020 election.

Barr’s exact statement to officials who voiced their concerns about the election ‘irregularities’ was: “I told you, you need to stand down on this.”

Barr appeared visibly agitated over the video conference where he made the statement. Why would he appear so shaken up about hearing understandable concerns, why wouldn’t he simply do his job and investigate?

Watch the video below and then YOU can decide whether or not Barr was following orders from the deep state:

In 2022, The Associated Press reported:

Barr told the AP that U.S. attorneys and FBI agents have been working to follow up specific complaints and information they’ve received, but “to date, we have not seen fraud on a scale that could have effected a different outcome in the election.”

Insurrection Barbie asked: “Bill Barr publicly stated there was no fraud in the 2020 election but was recorded privately ordering his DOJ to stand down and not investigate the hundreds of credible reports of voter fraud.

Why isn’t there a full scale congressional investigation being launched into this? Why has he not been hauled for Congress to testify?”

According to The Hill, Barr has also claimed that the witch hunt, kangaroo trials against President Trump do not represent election interference:

“The basic principle in the criminal justice system is if a prominent person commits a crime and they’re seeking office, that doesn’t give them immunity.

If there’s enough time to have it resolved before the election, it should be resolved.”


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