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Untold Truths Behind Biden’s Electric Future

It was unsurprising to see the Biden Environmental Protection Agency propose a reduction in new vehicle emissions by 2032.

The goal was to force automakers, and the rest of the country, to purchase electric vehicles at entirely new levels.

Unfortunately to Biden, Ford, General Motors, Mercedes-Benz, Volkswagen, Jaguar, Land Rover, and Aston Martin have been scaling back their EV releases.

Fox News goes into more details about the issues surrounding electric vehicles:

The manufacturing of EVs produces at least 60 percent more carbon emissions than that of gas-powered cars. EVs start their lives with carbon debt.

The extra weight of heavy batteries also quickly wears down an EV’s tires as it drives, which means they aren’t “emissions free.”

Secretary of Transportation Pete Buttigieg claimed that “we see the superiority of EVs in terms of performance, not just in terms of climate.”

Freezing temperatures — and hot temperatures — drain batteries and reduce driving range, leaving stranded drivers helpless.

These performance problems create safety issues as well. In January, the Midwest Roadside Safety Facility at my alma mater, the University of Nebraska, conducted EV crash tests. They found that EVs have 20 to 50 percent more impact when crashing into a roadside barrier. The extra weight on an EV means that when accidents occur, the damage is greater than a comparable gas car.

Biden’s mandate has been met with serious criticism, particularly from Senator Deb Fischer and Senator Pete Ricketts, Nebraska Senators.

NTV News expands on their comments from Pete Ricketts:

“President Biden’s EV mandate is completely delusional. It’s foolish. It’s just plain wrong. We lack the power generation, infrastructure, and domestic supply chain of critical minerals to make Biden’s mandate work. The end result of this EV mandate will be higher prices, greater dependence on the Chinese Communist Party, and less choice for consumers. Biden’s actions today will make it harder for Americans to buy and maintain a vehicle. That’s unacceptable.

The article also adds comments from Deb Fischer:

The Biden administration’s revised standard responds to a slowdown in sales as Americans realize not just the cost and unreliability of electric vehicles, but also the dirty truth behind this supposedly ‘clean’ technology. Continuing to force EVs on automakers and the public will only exacerbate their serious environmental, safety, and human rights concerns.

Many have taken to X to voice their displeasures over Biden’s EV future:

While electric vehicles may sound good in theory, there are a number of issues that surround the EVs. The current administrations avoidance to addressing these issues will only hurt the American people.


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