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Laken Riley’s Murder Inspires State House Passes Bill Increasing Police Authority

After countless attacks on American citizens spawning from the tidal wave of illegal aliens, it was the murder of Laken Riley, a nursing student, that really shook the nation collectively.

The crimewave that’s been allowed to continue under Biden’s Adminstration is finally getting some pushback.

It was on Thursday that Georgia’s House of Representatives gathered and passed House Bill 1105.

This bill would do what you would expect to happen normally: the arrest of anyone the police suspect is here illegally and detain for possible deportation.

The fact that they need to get a bill for this speaks volumes in itself.

Oh, and by the way. Her funeral was yesterday. Do you recall hearing about it non-stop?

At the end of this article I’ll let you know who CNN says is the real victim.

The Western Journal reports:

As ripples of the murder of 22-year-old nursing student Laken Riley resonate across America, Georgia lawmakers have taken a step toward cracking down on illegal immigration in Georgia.

Riley was killed Feb. 22 after going out for a jog on the University of Georgia campus. Jose Ibarra, 26, an illegal immigrant from Venezuela, has been charged with malice murder and other charges in connection with Riley’s death.

With Riley’s death fresh on their minds, the Georgia state House on Thursday passed  House Bill 1105 to allow police to arrest anyone they believe is in the U.S. illegally and then detain that person for possible deportation by federal authorities, according to The Hill.

The bill passed 97-74 and now goes to the state Senate.

“Fixing policy in the face of unspeakable tragedy is not politics,” Republican state Rep. Houston Gaines said, according to the Associated Press. “It’s doing the right thing to ensure something like this never occurs again.”

Republican state Rep. Jesse Petrea sponsored the bill.

“Not cooperating with the federal immigration authorities endangers public safety and it makes a mockery out of our nation’s immigration laws, period,” he said, saying of Ibarra, “He said he was here for asylum. He was here for assault.”

Petrea had first proposed the bill a year ago, but it gained traction after Riley was killed, according to the Atlanta Journal-Constitution.

“While we continue to pray for Laken Riley and her family, the Georgia House took action today to strengthen public safety and security in our state, stand firmly against illegal immigration and for the rule of law — and I am proud of the passage of House Bill 1105,” House Speaker Jon Burns, a Republican, said in a statement.

Democrats attacked the bill.

Democratic state Rep. Pedro Marin said of the proposal,

we have had enough of attempts to promote racial profiling.

Petrea would not budge.


They love to use the phrase “Even if it saves 1 life!” when trying to take away guns.

Funny how that same phrase isn’t used by them when it comes to securing the border.

Gov. Abbott weighs in on this heavy topic.

He has no problem calling out Biden for his role in this.

Marjorie Taylor Greene also echoes the same sentiment which so man Americans also feel

that Biden has blood on his hands.

And of course, our true President will speak about Laken Riley.

Wow, check this out.

Look at what Biden is tweeting about on X.


Talk about tone deaf.

The George Floyd Justice in Policing Act?

Vivek Ramaswamy responds to Biden’s post.

And what’s the mayor for Athens, Georgia have to say?

That her death isn’t connected to illegal immigration.

These Democrats are playing fire with that kind of talk.

Now let’s check in with CNN to see how they’ll spin the story.

Who’s the real victim according to them?

The poor Latino students.


That’s who we should all fell sorry for, not the girl who was just slaughtered.

The lying media forever trying to dish out the victim card to who they deem worthy and stealing victimhood from the real victims.

They know its power and they want to make sure only they/liberals can wield it.

And they keep using that term “undocumented”.

If only he had some documents, then Laken would be alive?

What a joke.

Now here’s a vigil for Laken Riley, where thousands gathered peacefully.

Curious that I didn’t see the legacy media talking about it.


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