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Kremlin’s Foe, Alexey Navalny Dies In Prison – The Establishment Unites To Put Blame On Putin

Something doesn’t seem right about this.

The entire media complex is rushing in to condemn Putin over the death of Alexey Navalny, a political activist that was at odds with the head of Russia.

And we know if they’re that unified about something, it’s probably not good and the truth is usually the opposite of what’ve they’re reporting.

Hey robot AI, tell the people who Alexey Navalny is:

Alexey Navalny was a prominent Russian opposition leader, politician, and anti-corruption activist. He gained international recognition for his investigations into government corruption in Russia and his outspoken criticism of President Vladimir Putin and his administration. Navalny has faced multiple arrests and legal challenges in Russia due to his activism. He has been a key figure in organizing protests and advocating for political change in the country.

Will the Establishment use his death and turn him into a martyr for people to rally behind against Putin?

Will they now put his face on the collection can for Ukraine?

CBS News reports:

Alexey Navalny’s spokesperson confirmed Saturday that the Russian opposition leader had died at a remote Arctic penal colony and said he was “murdered,” but it is unclear where his body is.

Navalny’s death at age 47 has deprived the Russian opposition of its most well-known and inspiring politician less than a month before an election that will give President Vladimir Putin another six years in power.

Although neither the imprisoned anti-corruption crusader nor other Kremlin critics were in position to challenge Putin for the presidency, the loss of Navalny was a crushing blow to Russians who had pinned their future hopes on Putin’s seemingly indefatigable foe. It also prompted questions about what killed him.

A note handed to Navalny’s mother stated that he died at 2:17 p.m. local time Friday, according to Navalny spokesperson Kira Yarmysh. Prison officials told his mother when she arrived at his former penal colony Saturday that her son had perished due to “sudden death syndrome,” Ivan Zhdanov, the director of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation, wrote on X, formerly Twitter.

A prison colony employee said the body was taken to the nearby city of Salekhard as part of a post-mortem investigation, Yarmysh said. Navalny’s team said the late politician’s body was not being returned to his family until official tests were done.

When Navalny’s mother and one of the late politician’s lawyers visited the morgue in Salekhard, it was closed, Navalny’s team wrote on its Telegram channel. But the lawyer called the morgue and was told that the body was not there, his team said.

Another of Navalny’s lawyers went to Salekhard’s Investigative Committee and was told that the cause of Navalny’s death had not yet been established and that new investigations were being done with the results to be released next week, Yarmysh said.

Russia’s Investigative Committee informed Navalny’s team that the body would not be handed over to his relatives until those investigations were completed, she said.

“It’s obvious that they are lying and doing everything they can to avoid handing over the body,” Yarmysh wrote on X, adding that his team “demand that Alexei Navalny’s body be handed over to his family immediately.”

“After the murder of Alexei Navalny, it’s absurd to perceive (Russian President Vladimir) Putin as the supposedly legitimate head of the Russian state. He is a thug who maintains power through corruption and violence,” Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said at the Munich Security Conference in Germany Saturday.

“Just yesterday he tried to send us all a clear message — as the Munich Security Conference opened, Putin murdered another opposition leader,” Zelenskyy said.

Died of “sudden death”, eh?

And it looks like Zelensky is mega mad.

Well, since we don’t believe a single thing he says, it really makes me wonder what’s all behind this.

There’s a black & white undercover video spreading online, claiming it’s Navalny. I saw it. Doesn’t look a thing like Navalny. It’s Vladimir Ashurkov, director of Navalny’s Anti-Corruption Foundation.

Here, see for yourself.

This person got it right:

CBS reports Navalny went to US for a year and returns to oppose the Kremlin.

Very interesting:

Hilary Clinton appears to have crawled out of her hole to make a comment on Navalny:

Someone in the comments asks the questions that the reporter should’ve:

Mr. Pence also makes a curious comment:


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