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Was Deceased Russian ‘Dissident’ Alexei Navalny Really A CIA Asset?

As the deep state continues its campaign of turning the deceased Russian ‘dissident’ Alexei Navalny into a martyr, others have a different idea.

Online pundits and sleuths are sharing pieces of evidence that link Navalny to the CIA and the UK’s MI6 intelligence agency.

Was Navalny an intelligence asset? I cannot say for certain, but I also cannot dismiss the high likelihood that he was.

Navalny’s closest associates reportedly met with Western intel agents on numerous occasions. Why would they be meeting with intelligence personnel?

Moreover, it is right out of the CIA’s playbook to orchestrate coups and revolutions in other countries.

Director of the Ron Paul Institute Daniel McAdams didn’t hold back: “Alexei Navalny was no Russian dissident. He was a US/UK intelligence asset. He was liquidated when it suited the narrative the CIA/MI6 was pursuing. Anyone too ignorant to do a bit of basic research about this might want to STFU.”

According to Fox News, just one day before his death Navalny seemed untroubled:

Footage shared by the Russian news outlet SOTAvision showed the 47-year-old laughing and appearing in good spirits while behind bars at the IK-3 penal colony, also known as “Polar Wolf,” in Kharp in northern Russia.

Navalny made the appearance in Russia’s Supreme Court by video link, according to The Associated Press.

Journalist and influencer Jackson Hinkle writes: “As the deep state sheds crocodile tears over the DEATH of their treasured CIA asset Alexei Navalny, they are engaging in the illegal imprisonment, torture & murder of an actual heroic truth-teller: JULIAN ASSANGE.”

Award-winning journalist and host Afshin Rattansi claimed:

“Another reason why the UK/US governments have attempted to assassinate Wikileaks founder Julian Assange is that he published secret cables detailing how neo-fascist Navalny was a CIA asset, funded by the US National Endowment for Democracy to end democracy in Russia.”

The Epoch Times presented this statement from Biden:

“Russian authorities are going to tell their own story. Make no mistake. Putin is responsible for Alexei Navalny’s death.

“What has happened to Navalny is yet more proof of Putin’s brutality. No one should be fooled, not in Russia, not at home, not anywhere in the world.”


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