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RFK Jr Ruffles Feathers With Super Bowl Ad, Issues Apology

Some people are just too sensitive, it is actually one of America’s biggest problems, believe it or not.

A political Super Bowl advertisement aired on behalf of Robert F. Kennedy Jr has caused controversy within his family, or at least with one faction of his family.

The independent political candidate’s advertisement was based on an old-school JFK campaign advertisement from the 1960s and was not aired by RFK himself.

In the advertisement, pictures of Kennedy’s family members can be seen, and this has caused at least one member of the family, Bobby Shriver, to issue a public statement denouncing the ad.

RFK responded to Shriver and explained that many political advertisements are produced and aired by PACs that cannot consult with the candidates in question, he also apologized to Shriver.

Take a look at the campaign ad below and the apology that RFK Jr. issued to Shriver:

Robert F. Kennedy Jr issued this response to his cousin Bobby: “Bobby. I’m so sorry if that advertisement caused you pain.

The ad was created and aired by the American Values Superpac without any involvement or approvals from my campaign.

Federal rules prohibit Superpacs from consulting with me or my staff. I send you and your family my sincerest apologies. God bless you.”

According to Fox News:

RFK Jr. followed up the statement with a more general apology to any of his family members who were hurt by the ad, stating once again that “FEC rules prohibit Super PACs from consulting with me or my staff.”

American Values 2024 ran the 30-second ad for $7 million. The clip is a throwback to an ad used by his uncle, JFK, in the 1960 presidential campaign.

End Tribalism in Politics broke down the controversy: “I saw that RFK apologized for it on X but also has it pinned on his profile which seems a little contradictory.

Pros: Kennedy’s worst demographic is baby boomers. This can be attributed to MSM constantly spreading the narrative that he is anti-vaccine and a conspiracy theorist.

This ad is very similar to the Super Bowl ad that his Uncle ran in 1960, which baby boomers who were watching will remember.

Millions of people both in the United States and around the world saw the ad, RFK Jr. is now a household name.

One of the most important parts of RFK’s campaign will be not only getting on the ballot but changing public opinion about him from the MSM narratives that have been set, using ads like this talking about bringing the country together from the duopoly is a great way to do that.

Cons: The ad cost $7 million. That is a ton of money for a campaign that doesn’t have unlimited money at the moment.

$7 million could’ve been used for so many different things. There is rumor that RFK had no idea the ad would air, but that I’m sure can be debated.

For a campaign that is still trying to get ballot access, $7 million seems like it could have been possibly allocated elsewhere.

People were confused by the ad. If they don’t know about JFK’s Super Bowl ad, the style of the ad could be confusing, especially for the price.

If someone is just now hearing about RFK, which some people last night that was their first time, they may be confused. I think a 30 second ad of RFK speaking about ending corruption and the duopoly would have spread his message better and reached a broader audience for the price tag.”

The Huffington Post was overly critical of RFK Jr:

Robert Shrum, a speechwriter for the late Sen. Ted Kennedy (D-Mass.), said on X that the ad was “straight out plagiarism.”

He added: “To quote Lloyd Bentsen with a slight amendment, ‘Bobby, you’re no John Kennedy.’ Instead you are a Trump ally.”


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