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Biden Admin CAUGHT In Massive Lie, 2023 Economic Numbers Completely Fabricated

I have often said that statistics are massively unreliable because statistics can be manipulated in any number of ways.

A statistician, especially one working in economics, can come up with pretty much any economic figure using shrewd methodology, and different calculations, then present that number to the public as an unimpeachable fact.

The very fact that a complex statistical field even exists is proof enough that statistics is a completely manipulated field.

You don’t need complex equations and formulas to count things. It is just numbers in and numbers out, anything beyond that simply exists to manipulate—not to shed light on the truth.

The same can be said of the enumeration of laws and complex legal structures—structures so complex that you need a legal technician to ferry through the labyrinthine waters of the law.

The more laws, the more corrupt the state, the Roman historian Tacitus tells us. Complexity is usually a breeding ground for corruption.

The Biden administration has been caught in one of these statistical lies, and they didn’t fabricate their numbers by any small margin either.

According to revised data from the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the Biden administration overrepresented the jobs created in 2023 by a margin of more than one million.


To tell you the truth, I don’t even trust these revised numbers due to what I mentioned above—statistics are notoriously unreliable due to human manipulation.

Statisticians can arrive at different figures using different calculations and then call it something like ‘jobs created,’ ‘unemployment,’ or ‘housing surplus.’ The Biden administration did exactly this in 2023.

They massaged the statistics to make them look more favorable for the Biden administration. Take a look at some of the figures below:

Daily Caller sounded the alarm:

The cumulative number of jobs reported each month was 1,255,000 less than previously thought, with new seasonal and census data affecting total employment estimates, according to data from the BLS calculated by the Daily Caller News Foundation.

The huge downward revisions are in spite of a 115,000 upward revision in December, the only month that saw an upward revision to the employment level in 2023.

Paul A. Szypula called Biden out in a recent online post: “Joe Biden’s own Bureau of Labor Statistics is calling him a liar.According to their own data, Biden has only created 5.4M jobs. The other 9.4M have been recovered from the pandemic. You can look at the data yourselves. Biden is lying because he’s been a fiscal failure.”

Zero Hedge writes:

This is a huge issue – especially at a time of an illegal alien flood at the border – and is about to become a huge political scandal, because once the inevitable recession finally hits.

Which is also why the Biden admin will do everything in his power to insure there is no official recession before November… and is why after the election is over, all economic hell will finally break loose.

Until then, however, expect the jobs numbers to get more and more ridiculous.


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