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Dr. Phil Blasts Biden Administration During Visit To Southern Border

The border crisis is a huge deal for Americans across the political spectrum and could be the issue that ensures President Joe Biden is denied a second term in the White House.

One of the most recent high-profile figures to weigh in on the issue was TV personality Dr. Phil McGraw.

Here’s what the Daily Caller reported:

Dr. Phil noted statistics from the Department of Homeland Security, claiming the number of illegal immigrants that have crossed over into the U.S. is “more than the population of 33 different states.”

“According to the Department of Homeland Security, since President Biden took office more than 6 million illegal immigrants have crossed [the] Texas southern border in just three years. That’s more than the population of 33 different states in this country. And what about our Vice President Kamala Harris? Did you know she’s our country’s immigration czar? Guess how many times she’s been to the border – once,” Dr. Phil said.

The visit gained massive traction on social media:

Of course, McGraw is just one of millions of Americans who are fed up with the Biden administration’s open borders policies.

According to The Hill:

More voters pointed to immigration than to inflation as a top policy concern in January, according to a Harvard CAPS-Harris poll released Monday.

The survey found that 35 percent of respondents listed immigration as their paramount concern among an array of issues, with inflation in a close second, named by 32 percent of respondents.

Immigration skyrocketed as an issue, jumping 7 percentage points in the list compared to the previous month’s poll.

Immigration and inflation were followed by “economy and jobs,” listed as a top concern by 25 percent of those surveyed, while “crime and drugs” and health care were each listed by 16 percent of respondents, the deficit and national security each by 14 percent of respondents and corruption and the environment were each named by 13 percent of people surveyed.

And here’s Biden trying to blame it all on Republicans:


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