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Fani’s Case Is Over?

We’ve been monitoring the Fani Willis situation very closely here, and things are turning south for her fast.

Recent updates include this:

BREAKING: Georgia State Senate Approves Special Committee Investigation Into Fani Willis

And this:

BREAKING: Fani Willis Subpoenaed By House Judiciary Committee

But most importantly we just heard from President Trump who posted this:

I've bolded my favorite part:

Fani Willis, the D.A. of Fulton County, just admitted to having a sexual relationship with the Prosecutor she, in consultation with the White House and DOJ, appointed to “GET PRESIDENT DONALD J. TRUMP.” By going after the most high level person, and the Republican Nominee, she was able to get her “lover” much more money, almost a Million Dollars, than she would be able to get for the prosecution of any other person or individual. THAT MEANS THAT THIS SCAM IS TOTALLY DISCREDITED & OVER!

Now of course it isn't officially "over" yet but it's looking to be on life support!

And in honor of this great news, I thought this was the perfect time to relive one of my favorite songs of the prior year.

Care to join me?


I have to say it again...

Everything right now feels like 2015/2016 repeating itself.

MAGA Rallies are back...

The energy is back...

The HOPE for the future is back...

And Memes are back!

This one was released a few weeks ago, but I randomly got one line stuck in my head this morning:  HOLLA WE WANT D-TRUMP! WE WANT D-TRUMP!

Feels like an anthem right now.

We're done messing around.

It's time for the RETRIBUTION PRESIDENT...and it's going to be historic!

Now back to the video and the incredible talent it took to make this.

Not only did they have to get the visuals but then write the script and make Trump's voice sing perfectly.

It's so good!

Please enjoy:

Backup here on YouTube at least for right now:

Rumble Backup:

I can't even pick a favorite line, so many good ones...

If it's not the chorus  "But Fatty only make my lead bigger" then I think MAYBE it would have to be "You will see her at the Court House, Call Her Fatty Willis":

Humor and satire always hit stronger than most anything else.

Reaction is off the charts:

If you want more, we actually covered this same incredible team a few days ago.

Here's another gem:

Meet "Rhonda Santis"

I don't know what level of AI sorcery created this, all I can say is it's freaky, it's hilarious and it's dead on perfect!

Called by some "Rhonda Santis" this is some wizardly combination of Ron DeSantis and Hillary Clinton.

The more you watch, the freakier it gets!

I can't tell where Ron starts and Hillary begins....and vice versa.

The audio....

The visual....

It's uncanny.

Just watch for yourself:

Even Don Jr. has started sharing the "Ronda Santis" memes:

"Why am I not up 50 points in the polls?"

I have no idea how they did this, but this is perfection:

Per the watermark, credit appears to go to the Dilley Meme Team.

Well done fellas and/or ladies!

And also from the Dilley Meme Team, this one is so good...

How do they do this?




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