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Border Patrol Union DEFIES Biden In Online Post

What a slap in the face to decrepit Joe Biden and his failed policies.

The Border Patrol Union (NBPC), which represents border patrol agents across the country, denounced Biden’s failed border policies and said they side with Texas border patrol agents.

Texas has reportedly been in a standoff with the federal government regarding the seized land in Eagle Pass Texas that the Texas Border Patrol is attempting to use as a buffer to prevent border crossings into Eagle Pass.

Since the start of the crisis, there has been back-and-forth litigation between Texas and the Biden administration, with the most recent bout going to the Biden administration.

Recently, SCOTUS sided with the federal government over the usage of razor wire at the border, but Texas border patrol and Texan officials seem to have no intent on complying with the ruling.

Here are just some of the incredibly scathing messages from the Border Patrol Union regarding Biden:

The NBPC wrote in a separate message: “As you read this garbage from CNN it will help if you also believe unicorns are real. For example, they use phrases like “…record migration across the Western Hemisphere” as a pathetic way to try to justify Biden’s immigration catastrophe.

The current border disaster was singlehandedly caused by…you guessed it…Joe Biden.

Illegal immigration started going off the charts on Biden’s first day in office. There was no magical new situation around the world that caused it. Biden’s immigration policies caused it.

Trump did not prohibit anyone from claiming asylum. He followed the law. But he wisely didn’t release asylum claimants into the US to immediately reward them like Biden did. Trump reduced fraud, Biden caused fraud and border crime to rise to historic levels.

The vast majority of those that cross our borders illegally to claim asylum do not show up to their final court date. They simply disappear.

So really, all Biden has managed to do is eradicate any semblance of a functional border, import millions of illegal aliens (costing taxpayers billions) and left a huge mess for another administration to clean up while he’s sitting on the beach in Delaware eating ice cream. CNN isn’t “news”, it’s straight up propaganda.”

The Epoch Times shared this message from the NBPC:

“Rank-and-file Border Patrol agents appreciate and respect what TX has been doing to defend their state in the midst of this catastrophe that the Biden Admin has unleashed on America.

We want to be perfectly clear, there is no fight between rank-and-file BP agents and the TX National Guard, Gov. Abott, or TX Department of Public Safety.”

The Border Patrol Union previously stated: “Joe Biden zealously protects his open border by bringing the full weight of the federal govt down on anyone who dares to try securing any part of it, no matter how small. Facts don’t lie.”

According to Daily Wire:

Earlier this week, Texas Governor Greg Abbott doubled down on using razor wire to repel migrants from illegally crossing the border after the Supreme Court ruled that Border Patrol agents have the authority to cut through the wire to allow illegal immigrants into the country.

On Friday, The Daily Wire found that Texas authorities have not only maintained existing razor wire fortifications but have added razor wire to border barriers, all while continuing to bar Border Patrol from establishing a presence at Shelby Park in Eagle Pass.


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