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Three Kansas City Chiefs Fans Found FROZEN To Death In Friend’s Backyard — “Nobody Believes This Story”

This is a crazy story…

On January 7, three men went over to their friend’s house to watch a Kansas City Chiefs game. Days later, their frozen bodies were found in this same friend’s backyard.

Here’s more on the story from The New York Post:

Three Kansas City Chiefs fans were found frozen to death in the backyard of their friend’s home, where they had gathered to watch a game — but the homeowner is insisting he had “no knowledge” that their bodies had possibly been there for two days.

The bodies of David Harrington, 37, Ricky Johnson, 38, and Clayton McGeeney, 36, were found on the evening of Jan. 9 after the fiancée of one of the men requested a welfare check, Kansas City police told Fox Digital.

One man’s body was found on the back porch of the NW 83rd Terrace home, while the other two were discovered in the backyard.

But Jordan Willis, the man who was renting the home, had “no knowledge” that his friends were freezing to death on his property after they had watched Kansas City take on the LA Chargers in the last game of NFL regular season play on Jan. 7, police said.

Allegedly, the friend had “no knowledge” of the 3 men’s deaths and believes the men froze to death. The case is not being treated as a homicide, and no criminal charges have been filed.

But, friends and family members of the victims aren’t buying his story.

Per Fox News:

“First and foremost, this case is 100% NOT being investigated as a homicide,” Captain Jake Becchina of the Kansas City Police Department told Fox News Digital.

“There have not been any arrests [or] charges, and no one is in custody. There are no specific threats or concerns for the surrounding community at this time,” Becchina said. “The resident at the house was cooperative with detectives the day the deceased were discovered.”

It is unclear whether alcohol or drugs were involved in the men’s deaths. Becchina said toxicology reports should be available within the coming weeks.

Neighbor Suzanne Reichart told FOX 4 that she had no idea the three men were imperiled across the street.

“It’s very scary because I heard nothing. I’m home most of the time, but I didn’t hear anything,” said Reichart.

“It’s kind of disturbing. It makes you wonder what’s going on,” Reichart continued. “But if we don’t know yet, could it have been CO? It got cold all of a sudden.”

Family and friends of the three football fans have taken to social media, clamoring for answers and questioning the motivations of the homeowner, who Fox News Digital has chosen not to name because no criminal charges have been filed.

Allegedly, they claim, they sent numerous messages to the homeowner in the days before police were called.

“This man was inside his home alive while my friends were dead in his yard for lord knows how long,” Kaylee La Tier wrote in a Facebook post earlier this month. “They were all hanging out since after the game Sunday. He KNEW people were looking for them. He read messages of people searching for him on Tuesday.”

“My husband banged on his door for 20 [minutes],” La Tier continued. “My friend banged on his door and then busted a window and yelled and announced her presence while she’s inside and still nothing from him? Then the cops come 10 [minutes] later and he comes out nonchalant in his boxers with an empty wine glass in hand??! Nothing is adding up. Dave, Clay and Ricky need and deserve justice.”

John Picerno, an attorney representing the homeowner, said his client had no idea his friends were dead until police knocked on his door.

“He had no knowledge that they remained in his backyard or that they needed medical attention,” Picerno stated in a news release sent to FOX 4.

Local Fox4 reports that family members and friends are furious and don’t believe the official story:

The man who lives there, according to Marquez, was home and answered the door for police. He later told his family that his friends simply froze to death.

“I’m furious. Everybody is furious,” Marquez said. “Nobody believes this story. None of his friends, none of the families, none of us believe.”

Marquez said she just wants answers. She wants the people responsible to be held accountable. She wants the impossible — to have her first child, her joker back.

We’ll continue to monitor this story and bring you updates.


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