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Undeterred! Border Wall Construction Continues

Among the chaos at the border in Texas, there burns two bright lights:

1. The National Guard have taking control.

2. Construction on the wall is in progress.

Here’s a new clip of that wall going up to keep hope alive and that things are turning around over there:

It’s a beautiful sound, isn’t it? The sound of construction.

Here’s another angle:

Now here’s a post from someone that’s anti-Trump, insinuating that you won’t see this video on pro-Trump sites. Well, we’ll use it. We post facts and truth.

And this following clip doesn’t discourage us. You know why? Because it shows that they’re working on it. That they are indeed getting that wall up.

Whoa, so they experienced a little wind.

In one small section.

Not a big deal.

Even major motion pictures like Star Wars and The Phantom Menace both had their sets ruined by a sandstorm during production and it didn’t stop them. And it’s not going to stop the border wall from rising.

The wind stopped and construction resumed.

Border wall, rise!


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