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Landslide Iowa Victory For Trump!

I think Newt Gingrich summed it up nicely. “He’s the nominee. Get over it – He is the nominee.”

In what was a landslide victory, President Trump took all 99 counties, leaving no doubt that he had won the hearts of the voters in that state!

Fox News reports on Trump’s win:

Former President Trump stunned the American political scene Monday with what could shape up to be a near-record margin of victory in the Iowa caucuses.

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich, who once represented the now-key swing state of Georgia, said Trump’s victory comes in spite of all of the mainstream media’s efforts and foreshadowing of a resounding defeat.

“[D]espite every lawsuit, despite every effort to destroy Trump, the people of Iowa have stood up and said, ‘No, he is our candidate’,” Gingrich

Fox News chief political analyst Brit Hume said Monday that Trump’s large margin-of-victory proves his “enduring appeal” with Republican voters.

He said Fox News voter analysis polling has shown GOP voters want a political “upheaval” of the current state of affairs, and that Trump is the person they believe to be the most suited to bring it about.

Hume added that caucusgoers supporting Trump likely voted in-part based on their recollections of America prior to Biden’s tenure:

“I think a lot of the strength of his appeal is based upon people’s memories of how it was pre-COVID, while he was president. They remember the economy and how it boomed,” he said. “They remember the fact that we weren’t in any wars or even indirectly funding wars overseas that they knew about.”

Yeah, it’s a no-brainer, Hume. We, the people, want our President Trump back where he belongs. I don’t think we need a political analyst to figure that out.

President Trump shares a few words after his victory.

“We’ve got to come together. And it’s gonna happen soon, too.”

This wouldn’t be complete without a clip of the liberal media having a meltdown over Trump and making outlandish claims:


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