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Trump Asked If He Will Use Seal Team Six To Assassinate Political Rivals

During his recent press conference after his recent court appearance, Trump was asked a very interesting question.

President Trump was asked by a reporter, “Do you agree with your lawyers that you could not be prosecuted if you ordered Seal Team 6 to kill a political opponent?”

Trump responded, “On immunity, very simple. If a president of the United States does not have immunity, he’ll be totally ineffective.

Trump continued, “You have to have immunity for a president, and I think most people are seeing that. I’ve read a lot of real reports lately, and scholarly reports that are saying you really have to have a president of this country has to have immunity, or they’re not gonna be able to function in office.”

Watch the moment it went down here:

Here’s what Mediaite reported:

Donald Trump backed up his attorney who claimed that his level of immunity as president is so comprehensive that he could order the assassination of political rivals and not be prosecuted.

The former president held a press conference in New York on Thursday where he railed yet again against his civil fraud trial. When he opened the floor to questions, a reporter brought up the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals hearing days ago where Trump lawyer John Sauer suggested that a former president is immune from federal prosecution to the degree that he couldn’t be prosecuted for selling pardons, or even for directing SEAL Team Six to kill a political opponent unless tried and convicted by the Senate.

Asked if he agrees with Sauer’s arguments, Trump answered, “On immunity, very simple. If a president of the United States does not have immunity, he’ll be totally ineffective. He won’t be able to do anything because it will mean he’ll be prosecute, strongly prosecuted perhaps, as soon as he leaves office by the opposing party.” He then pivoted by claiming President Joe Biden could be prosecuted with immunity for his shortcomings or the case against his son, Hunter.

Per The New York Post:

Donald Trump’s attorneys argued Tuesday that presidents can’t be convicted of a crime if not impeached first – but a panel of appellate judges seemed skeptical.

“Could a president who ordered SEAL Team 6 to assassinate a political rival (and is) not impeached, would he be subject to criminal prosecution?” asked Judge Florence Pan during a 90-minute hearing in the DC Circuit Court of Appeals.

“If he were impeached and convicted first,” Trump lawyer John Sauer answered as the 77-year-old former president looked on.

“So your answer is no,” Pan said, to which Sauer responded: “My answer is a qualified yes.”

Sauer claimed that the framers of the Constitution created presidential immunity to avoid “politically motivated prosecutions” and repeatedly argued that the only exception would have been if Trump had been impeached and removed from office first.


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