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Vivek Ramaswamy: “I’ll Shut Down The FBI & ATF, And Here’s One More Reason”…

I am definitely starting to come around to Vivek Ramaswamy.

President Trump started the MAGA movement, but the former President did not go far enough—not nearly. By this, I mean shrinking the size and scope of government.

The 45th President was a big step in the right direction, he was also extremely adept at running the country. He was an effective leader and likely the best President in my lifetime. He was the first one not to start a new war.

However, the FBI, ATF, IRS, DEA, FDA, CIA, and the Federal Reserve still exist. Not only do they exist, but President Trump never even made an effort to permanently dismantle these things.

These agencies and entities represent the most immediate and dire threats to both the American people and all innocent lives everywhere.

I’ll be frank: the devil doesn’t have horns and red skin. The devil wears a suit, has no facial hair, and sports a P.H.D. education from an Ivy League school.

Those who read C.S. Lewis know the evil and existential threat the ‘managerial class’ poses to humanity.

For us to ensure peace and prosperity for the American people, we must do away with the institutions causing all the trouble.

This was the focus of one of Vivek Ramaswamy’s most recent promises to the American people. Vivek exclaimed that he would shut down both the FBI and the ATF. Vivek made his proposition via this social media post:

“I’ll shut down the FBI & ATF and here’s one more reason why. A voter in Iowa recently reminded me of the story of Ruby Ridge & the Weaver family.

In 1992, Randy Weaver sold a sawed-off shotgun to a federal informant & was then surrounded at his cabin for refusing to appear in court.

First, they killed his dog, then they shot & killed his son, *14-year-old* Samuel Weaver. His wife, Vicki, also was shot & killed by an FBI sniper while holding their 10-month-old daughter inside their house.

Weaver was later acquitted & awarded a $3 million settlement by the DOJ. Another classic case of entrapment & a disproportionate, politicized abuse of federal police power.

I will *shut down* toxic 3-letter agencies like the FBI & ATF that are beyond the point of incremental “reform,” using my Constitutional authority as U.S. President to do it.”

Previously, Ramaswamy pointed out: “TRUTH #6: Ray Epps, who was caught *on camera* telling people to go into the Capitol building, was placed on the FBI “Most Wanted” list immediately after Jan 6, but then suddenly removed. Three years later, the U.S. government slapped Epps with a single “disorderly conduct” charge (0-6 months in jail).”

Fox 11 Los Angeles, a local Fox News affiliate, provided more wise words from Ramaswamy

“The real threat we face in the United States is the rise of that managerial class from our universities to corporate America to the ultimate mother of the managerial class, the administrative state in the federal government.

Today, the people who we elect to run the government are no longer the ones who actually run the government.

It is the deep state in the shadow government of those three-letter agencies that wield power today.

That is why I’ve said that as your next president, I will shut down the unconstitutional federal administrative state.”

The Presidential hopeful shared a long list of inconvenient truths about the federal law enforcement agency as evidence to his argument.

The Associated Press featured this related story, further proving Ramaswamy’s point:

The four men charged with planning to kidnap Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer were swayed by informants and federal agents who targeted them for their anti-government views, defense attorneys said Wednesday, portraying the men as big talkers and wannabes who never meant what they said.


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