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UPDATE: New Concerning Details Emerge On Trump-Hating Maine Secretary Of State

New details have emerged regarding the Trump-hating Maine Secretary of State Shenna Bellows.

Bellows reportedly decided to single-handedly remove President Trump from the 2024 Presidential ballot in Maine after watching some YouTube videos, but this is not today’s update.

What is even more concerning than Bellows’ lack of expertise or judgment is the fact that she met with Biden on two separate occasions. She also thinks the Electoral College is a white supremacist institution.

This is who we are dealing with here, a far-left Biden acolyte, who is on a never-ending quest to find racism in every parking lot, under every stone, and in the ether.

It’s no wonder why she came to the decision she did, it is clear that Bellows is unwell and suffers from the progressive disorder that has tragically claimed so many minds in America. Here are the newest details to emerge on Bellows:

Journalist Kanekoa The Great writes: “Democrat Shenna Bellows explains that she personally decided that Trump was guilty of engaging in an insurrection.

So she unilaterally removed the leading Republican presidential candidate from Maine’s ballot. She gleefully tells MSDNC “I could not, unfortunately—or fortunately—wait for the Supreme Court to make a decision.”

After disenfranchising hundreds of thousands of Republican voters in Maine, Bellows boasts about how proud she is of Maine’s voter participation rate. “I smile because we were number one for voter turnout per capita in 2022…

We’re really proud of our national leadership in voter participation and citizen engagement in elections and in the democratic process.”

Democracy means unelected Democrats unilaterally decide that millions of Republicans cannot vote for the leading Republican presidential candidate.

The United States normally sanctions Banana Republics for doing what Democrats are doing right now.”

Fox News broke the story:

Shortly after taking office, Bellows penned an op-ed for a progressive platform known as the Democracy Docket.

In her writing, titled “Voting Rights for Our Neighbors Matter As Much as Our Own,” Bellows touted her efforts to make “voting more accessible” and said she sought the position of secretary of state in Maine because she “was truly frightened for our democracy” following the 2020 presidential election.

Bellows also took aim at the Electoral College in her column, claiming it is “the relic of white supremacy” that prevents voters from being represented fairly.

Libs of TikTok pointed out Bellows’ obvious hypocrisy: “She said the right of every American to vote freely and fairly is the premise of our democracy. By her own standards, she is the real threat to our democracy!”

Collin Rugg shared this statement from Maine state Rep. John Andrews, who has voiced support for impeaching Bellows:

“I wish to impeach her on the grounds that she is barring an American citizen and 45th President of the United States, who is convicted of no crime or impeachment, their right to appear on a Maine Republican Party ballot in March. This is raw partisanship and has no place in the office of our state’s Constitutional Officers.”

BBC News provided this statement from Bellows:

“I’m mindful that no secretary of state has ever deprived a presidential candidate of ballot access based on section three of the 14th Amendment.

But I’m also mindful that no presidential candidate has, ever before, engaged in insurrection.”


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