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Pope Francis Is Trending On Social Media Yet Again—Here’s Why

Pope Francis has become an incredibly controversial figure in recent years.

Liberal Catholics seem to like the new Pope, but those true to the more traditional teachings of the Catholic Church seem to despise the man, and it isn’t hard to see why.

Reforms are sometimes necessary within any organized religion, but many see Pope Francis as throwing out the baby with the bath water instead of an effective reformer.

The reason for this is quite simple: the Pope kowtows to wokery of all sorts. He has come out in support of everything from blessing same-sex marriages, to calling for an end to fossil fuel consumption.

Advocating for such things is fine if you are in a left-wing non-profit, but, of course, there is a time and place for everything. The Catholic Church should uphold its traditions and teachings—this is its purpose.

If it cannot fulfill this purpose then why should it exist? I say this as a non-Catholic and a non-Christian.

Pope Francis is once again trending on social media due to newly surfaced reports that his predecessor Pope Benedict XVI was ‘bitterly disappointed’ by Francis’ lack of adherence to the Latin traditions of the Catholic Church. Breitbart reports:

Pope Francis “seems to have an aversion to the Westernized traditions of the Catholic Church,” said Seewald.

“As a South American and a Jesuit, he has erased much of what was precious and dear to Ratzinger.”

“Suffice it to recall the ban on the Tridentine Mass. Benedict had built a small bridge to a largely forgotten treasure island, which until then had only been accessible through difficult terrain,” Benedict’s biographer added.

Many Catholics and other Christians shared online posts that were either critical of Pope Francis or showed him to be supporting things traditionally in opposition to Catholic teachings.

CNN featured this report:

Those who oppose Francis say they are deeply concerned about his openness to giving communion to divorced and remarried Catholics, along with his pastoral welcome to LGBTQ people.

They don’t like his focus on migrants and the climate crisis, and they want a pope instead who lays down the law and presents doctrine in black-and-white terms.


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