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Pope Francis Is Already Preparing His Grave

Pope Francis has announced that he is planning to be buried outside of the Vatican.

The Pope shared in an interview with Televisa N+ that he plans to be buried in the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome.

He then shared, “The place is already prepared.”

Later in the interview, Pope Francis shared that he is only doing close-by trips when it comes to traveling overseas.

Here’s what Fox News reported:

Pope Francis announced in a recent interview that he plans to be buried outside the Vatican.

The pontiff told Mexican broadcaster Televisa’s N+ news service that he has made arrangements to be buried in the Basilica of St. Mary Major in Rome.

“The place is already prepared,” Pope Francis told the outlet, saying that the basilica where he prays regularly before foreign trips is his “great devotion.”

While the pope says he is recovering from his bout with severe bronchitis, he notes that his capabilities are declining with old age.

“It is true that all journeys are now rethought,” Pope Francis told the outlet regarding overseas trips. “If they’re close by, they can be done. If they’re farther away, they are rethought. There are limits.”

Per Reuters:

Pope Francis, who has shunned much of the Vatican’s pomp and privilege, has decided to vastly simplify the elaborate funeral rites for a pontiff and be the first one to be buried outside the Vatican in more than a century.

The pope, who turns 87 on Sunday, disclosed plans for his funeral in an interview with Mexico’s N+ television on Tuesday evening to mark the feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe.

In the interview with the network’s Vatican correspondent, Valentina Alazraki, taped before the pope presided at a Mass in St. Peter’s Basilica, Francis appeared to have recovered from a bout of bronchitis.


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