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President Trump Responds To “Home Alone 2” Smear Piece

They just can’t go five seconds without smearing President Trump, can they?

The wind could knock over construction scaffolding in some forgotten, overlooked corner of New York, and they would blame the 45th President and his purported ‘Russian’ allies.

A beloved holiday classic, Home Alone 2, has become the focal point of the latest Trump smear campaign.

Those who watched the 1992 film may or may not remember President Trump’s short cameo appearance in the movie where he briefly stopped to give Kevin some directions.

Since that time, Director Chris Columbus came out to claim that the former President ‘bullied’ his way onto the set of the film. Is it true though?

President Trump says absolutely not and that at the time Columbus pleaded with him to appear in the film. He laid out the entire incident in this Truth Social post:

Business Insider published the article with Columbus’ claims:

Trump said OK. We paid the fee, but he also said, “The only way you can use the Plaza is if I’m in the movie.”

So we agreed to put him in the movie, and when we screened it for the first time the oddest thing happened: People cheered when Trump showed up on-screen.

So I said to my editor, “Leave him in the movie. It’s a moment for the audience.” But he did bully his way into the movie.

Here is the now-famous scene from Home Alone 2 filmed in New York’s Plaza Hotel, which was owned by the former President at the time.

According to Rolling Stone:

Though the cameo is unusual in retrospect, back in the early 1990s viewers would likely not have batted an eye to see Trump on the silver screen.

Then a New York City tabloid staple, Trump made cameos as himself in various other films and TV shows throughout the 90s and early aughts, including The Nanny, Sex and the City, and the 1994 remake of The Little Rascals.


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