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WATCH: Biden Incoherently Slurs Speech While Speaking On New COVID Vaccines

On Thursday, Joe Biden on issues targeting the price of prescription drugs and the release of THREE new COVID-19 vaccines.

During the speech, Biden had a hard time speaking in complete sentences.

Watch the first clip here:

Don’t worry if you didn’t understand what he said.

Here’s the transcript here:

“…These brilliant scientists to go out and find cures, find answers to drug problems — to drugs for the use of drugs for health problems,” says Biden

Or this great clip where Biden fails to thank his… introducers?

Here is the transcript for that clip:

“I wanna thank my, uh, my introdu… *GULP* my introducer…”

And the final clip where Biden talks about new pricing for not one COVID vaccine but THREE COVID vaccines.

He’s shot, folks!

Democrats need to find a replacement quickly if they want any chance in the 2024 election!

Let’s hope that they don’t!

An easy win for President Trump is going to be fun to watch.


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