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Expelled Congressman Vows Revenge, Lays Out Next Steps

99% of politicians are corrupt and we must always remember this.

That being said, what is even worse is for the corrupt swamp to single out a member of their collective debauchery and corruption. Now, I’m not saying George Santos is guilty, truth be told I just don’t know.

Santos recently became the sixth member in the history of American politics to be expelled from Congress for alleged campaign finance violations.

This would be all good and well if the overwhelming majority of Santos’ accusers weren’t guilty of similar things, or worse.

It’s one thing for We the People to lodge such accusations, it’s another thing entirely for politicians to lodge such allegations.

In response to his ouster from Congress, Santos vowed a swift revenge and announced a bevy of ethics complaints against his former colleagues, slated to be filed beginning on Monday. On Friday, Santos announced:

“Monday I will be filing an official complaint with the Office of Congressional Ethics against Nicole Malliotakis regarding her questionable stock trading since joining the Ways and Means committee this Congress.

Before joining the committee the congresswoman didn’t have an active trading habit or a high-volume stake. The question is, what set of information is she trading with?”

Santos went on: “On Monday I will be filling an Ethics complaint against Rep.Mike Lawler for questionable campaign finance violations.

Congressman Lawler owns portion of Checkmate Strategies and he uses the same firm that he is a beneficiary of to pay for services related to his campaign.

The concerning questions are; is Mr Lawler engaging in laundering money form his campaign to his firm then into his own pocket? I will let the Office of Congressional Ethics be the judge of that.”

Daily Mail didn’t fail to notice Santos’ offensive against his former colleagues and provided some background context:

The Long Island congressman, who stole donor funds to spend on OnlyFans and Botox, fled Capitol Hill as he became just the sixth House member in history to be kicked out.

Over 100 Republicans joined Democrats in booting out the fabulist liar in a historic vote Friday totaling 311 to 114, with two members voting ‘present.’

Rep. Nick LaLota wasn’t spared either: “On Monday the 3rd ethics report I’ll be submitting to the Office of Congressional Ethics is on Rep. Nick LaLota.

It has been raised in the local media that congressman Lalota obtained his JD attending Hofstra in day school while he was supposed to be working at the Board of elections at the same time.

The questionable actions are? Did Rep Lalota no-show to his tax pay funded job while going to school and if so he can potential have stolen public funds form the tax payers of NY.

I will let the Office of Congressional Ethics determine the validity of this grave allegation raised in his local media.”

The now-former Congressman outlined his fourth Ethics complaint: “Monday’s 4th Ethics report will be filled on Congressman Menendez (not to be confused with the senator).

While congressman Menedez has not been invoked by the diligent investigation of the DOJ into his father, there remains a question of what did he know and when did he know it, the complaint is to seek clarification from the freshman congressman on his involvement with his fathers overseas dealing over the years and any potential compensation he received.

I think it’s a fair point to make sure we weed out the doubt surrounding Rep Menendez and his business associations with his father. I will leave it to the office of congressional ethics to investigate the material I’ll be submitting to them.”

Fox News added:

Aside from those he’s seeking to file ethics complaints against, Santos also signaled he’s looking forward to seeing “who will be the Republican that will have the testicular fortitude to pick up my privileged motion to expel Bowman and reintroduce it!”


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