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The Ultimate Peter Nygard Thread: The Canadian Jeffrey Epstein

All credit for this EXCELLENT research I’m about to show you goes to my friend Green Lives Matter / ULTRA Pepe Lives Matter.

Incredible research here.

Have you heard about Peter Nygard?

My guess is you’ve at least probably heard his name in the news, but I would also guess you don’t know much about him.

What if I told you he was the Canadian Jeffrey Epstein?

Or perhaps even worse?

Let’s dig in….

We’ll start with a basic primer but then we’ll go DEEP into facts most people don’t know.

Peter J. Nygård, born on July 24, 1941, in Finland and later a Canadian citizen, is a former fashion executive and founder of Nygård International, a women’s apparel company established in 1967. He was once considered one of Canada’s wealthiest individuals, with a peak net worth of C$817 million in 2009. However, his reputation has been severely tarnished by numerous accusations and legal issues, primarily involving allegations of sexual misconduct.

Nygård has been embroiled in various scandals and legal troubles:

  1. Sexual Assault and Sex Trafficking Allegations: In 2020, the FBI raided Nygård’s New York offices after accusations of sex trafficking, sexual assault, and racketeering. This led to his stepping down as chairman of Nygård International, and the company filed for bankruptcy later that year. Nygård faced multiple charges, including sex trafficking and racketeering, some involving minors. Accusations against him date back as far as 1968, with various charges of sexual misconduct over the decades. In November 2023, he was convicted in Canada on four counts of sexual assault involving incidents from the mid-1980s to the mid-2000s​​.
  2. Class-Action Lawsuit: Nygård faced a class-action lawsuit in 2020, where 10 women accused him of sexual assault at his Bahamas residence. The lawsuit expanded to 57 plaintiffs, alleging that Nygård maintained a sex-trafficking ring. Two of his sons also sued him, alleging that he directed a known sex worker to sexually assault them​​.
  3. Arrest and Extradition: He was arrested in Winnipeg in December 2020 for extradition to the US on sex trafficking charges. In October 2021, he was additionally charged with six counts of sexual assault and three counts of forcible confinement by Toronto police. He agreed to extradition to the US to face charges there​​.
  4. Other Legal Troubles: Besides the sexual assault allegations, Nygård has been involved in various other legal disputes, including abusive labor practices, tax evasion, defamation, and more. These include a 12-year legal battle over the takeover of a sportswear designer’s business in New York, lawsuits over sexual harassment complaints, and multiple lawsuits involving defamation and slander​​.

Ok, now let’s get into the real stuff….

Starting here from GreenLivesMatter:

The Ultimate Peter Nygard Thread: The Canadian Jeffrey Epstein’s quest for immortality and his crimes against women and children.

He was impregnating minors, making them have abortions and then injecting himself with his own aborted children in an attempt to live forever.

Controlling politicians, blackmail, ra*e, threat of murder, and much more.
And this week, he was found guilty of four counts of sexual assault.
Buckle up as we expose just how evil this man truly was.

As many of you know, the elites have an unhealthy obsession with living forever. This is not an exception but the rule. We are dealing with people who gained power through corrupt means and retain it in the same way. When they feel that they have nothing left to gain, this is when they reach for—immortality.

They feel as though they are above the law. They create laws, then pay off cops and government officials. With such great power, they even seek to supplant God himself.

Such is the way of the old guard; the oligarchs of society who often engage in pedophilia. It’s important to understand who these people are at their core.

When it comes to Peter Nygard he is a blatant red pill. You could put him side by side with many of the people who had a controlling stake in our old system and have difficulty distinguishing any differences. Someone who is not aware of how corrupt the system is would do well to learn from his life. This same scenario played out over and over. The scenery may change, but the foundation is still there. Peter Nygard bought out politicians, loomed over any opposition with the threat of death or an “accident,” sought immortality off the blood of children, and sexually raped women and children. Long-time researchers and anons know how often this has happened. In past years, they lived in relative comfort, committing their crimes in the shadows. But the rise of social media and independent media, the free-thinking anon, has severely hampered their chances of not being exposed to the light. People are waking up at a speed unheard of. So grab a bin of popcorn, and let’s go through the life of Peter Nygard, the Canadian Jeffrey Epstein who was attempting to live forever by any means possible. A tale of corruption and man’s hubris as plain as day.

Peter Nygard rose to power through the modeling industry just like Les Wexner, Epstein’s money man, and Mossad asset. I find it very interesting (though not surprising) that the modeling industry was such a breeding ground for blackmail and abuse. If you are an anon researcher, then you might be aware of Rachel Chandler and her foray into the modeling world, her search for children and victims for Epstein to prey on. Not only her but Jean Luc-Brunel who “suicided” himself in a French jail not long ago.

Peter himself came from a poverty-stricken background. He then proceeded to target a different type of woman for his clothing line. This gave him great success. A pretty basic story line in the beginning, but what he would do with that success is what the reader will find horrifying and shocking. Although for someone who has been living and breathing elite corruption and working to expose their crimes, I doubt anons will be too surprised.

Nygard was already a ra*ist for a long period of his life as you will see later on in this article but something changed in him when his mother died. He wanted immortality. He failed his mother by not keeping her alive and he wouldn’t make that same mistake with himself. He wouldn’t allow himself to die. Just let that sink in. How demented his thinking must have been at this point. He told himself that he would do absolutely anything necessary in order to achieve that end. Playing God.
The elite love to play God. We know this through many examples including from the infamous Jeffrey Epstein who was into trans humanism. Rich powerful men who want to hold onto power as long as possible. Image
Peter retreated to an island in the Bahamas. This was his kingdom. He felt he could act with impunity as he saw fit away from the public eye. What would anyone do to him there? He was friends with the rich and wealthy. He brought them to his island for orgies and God knows what else. Guess who his favorite guest was? None other than George Bush Senior. Don’t take my word for it. Oprah herself gleefully tells her audience.
Funny how elites love to have their shadowy islands. Did you know that brother of Joe Biden, James Biden bought an acre of land with excellent ocean views on a remote island in the Caribbean for $150,000. Just a relative stone’s throw away from other infamous islands if you know what I’m saying.

Not only that but Nygard himself was keen with using some symbolism. His Mayan architecture, while interesting, raises some red flags given what we know about the elite and their love of flaunting their power and cult to our faces.

How fitting that Mayan’s were a civilization who sacrificed children and that was the paint Nygard ended up using considering his future quest to live longer off the blood of abortion fetuses by not surprising.
Another infamous island used symbolism yet God blew the dome of that place. He showed who the real boss was.


The elite look to recruit anyone with heinous morals and invite them into [their] club. For Peter Nygard, his morals were shot long ago. There are testimonies of rape as far back as 1980 and perhaps before. To put it plainly, this man was a serial rapist.

Ra*e Testimony as far back as 1980.

A man with these kinds of values has no issue buying the media to silence any opposition and that is exactly what he did. When you control the media, you have the power to eliminate opposition to your crimes. And the victims understood this.

“You would not go to the police to complain about anything because you’d be in fear for your life to even leave there.”
If you control the cops and politicians then it sounds quite similar to the deep state in Washington doesn’t it? This is exactly what Nygard worked so hard to do and he succeeded quite well. Orgy parties with politicians. Blackmail? Paying off people for the vote. These are all easy red pills for the world to see. You don’t actually believe that Nygard is the only example of this? No of course not. You are awake.
Nygard actually claims to be the good guy who creates the laws as he is on a serial raping spree. Let that sink in.
He could get away with murder by owning the politicians.
Control the media. Create your own narrative. This is what the deep state cabal does and they do it to create a facade. Nygard even fabricated views in an effort to make it seem like what he was saying was the truth by sheer numbers. Remind you of anything? Does Twitter ring a bell?
Nygard must have gone to the Clinton school of suicide. Knowledge is deadly with him and if you know too much you just might end up having your car explode with you in it. Do you see how the playbook is all too familiar with each of these elite? Every single one is willing to do whatever it takes to retain power and abuse the weak.
So what did Nygard wish to do with this power? Immortality of course. Sounds like a super villain story but it’s the truth. The truth is often stranger than fiction.

This is a real commercial. Nygard hypes up his quest for immortality by buying politicians and consuming fetuses. This is real.

He needed to go where the laws would not constrain him from his mission. He went to China. Say what you want about western civilization but we do not take kindly to the harm of children. They have had to work overtime to brainwash and slowly erode our society’s moral foundation. That’s why you’ve seen the push against our children. They wish to have an entire generation who openly accepts what the elite do in the dark. Education and mockingbird media is the tools by which they believed they could get there. Thankfully the masses are beginning to reject their strides. Perhaps they are being forced to play their hand too quickly.

Now here’s where it gets wild. In an attempt to not fail himself like he failed his mother he got into fetus cloning.

Watch as Nygard and his accomplice talk to young healthy women about he wanted to impregnate them with himself so he could use the aborted fetus for anti-aging. I want you to let this sink in. He was giving pictures of his fetus clone to his children as a Christmas present. These are not the actions of a sane person. By his own admission, the rapist Peter Nygard alleges that abortion is extremely valuable. Abortion is big business but the elite also want to use our own children to help them avoid the inevitable decay of time.

Watch this extremely disturbing clip by clicking on the picture and subsequent link. Prepare to cringe.

Nygard can’t even go to China without acting extremely perverse with a nurse.
“I’m the only guy in the world today who has in a Petri dish before I was born… Now you can take those immortal stem cells and renew your body parts.”
Living off the blood of your aborted fetuses. Who does that remind you of? Ah, that’s right, the infamous Moloch. Sacrifice and the abortion industry. What is so fascinating and horrifying in equal measure is how the modern elite convinced the masses to essentially sacrifice their own children under the guise of so-called science.


The very essence of the elite cult is selfishness and evil. They would rather achieve their quest for godhood on the backs of dead children than lay down their lives for someone other than themselves.

Planned Parenthood sells body parts from dead children. This is what someone like Peter would have loved.

115 aborted fetuses were intercepted by activists. How many more examples of this are there that aren’t documented? Abortion is a plague upon our civilization that must be ended. Remember what rapists like Peter Nygard said himself: Abortion is extremely valuable. Valuable to who? The elite. To business. To the cults. Period. When the masses have the same opinion as elite rapists like Peter that should give them pause. Thankfully many more are waking up. One day we will look upon the days of Babylon and weep that so many children were willing sacrificed for man’s selfish desires. For a Satanic cult bent on becoming like gods.
Nygard’s evil did not exist with just children but women too. He had zero remorse for his actions. Once he had a woman in the Bahamas with him there was nothing they could do.

They can’t leave, he would take their passports.

They can’t tell the police, he owns the police.

The people around him were complicit in his crimes. They helped lure the women in and would leave them alone with Peter once it was too late.

Tennis player tells her story of being trapped by Peter and ra*ed.

Like Epstein,
Peter would scower the modeling industry with empty promises.

Peter locked a rising model inside a room with a deadbolt.
Emotional testimony.

You can become a famous model if you do what I want. Nygard trapped her in the Bahamas.
She has no passport.
Nygard’s people were complicit in pushing her into ra*e.
He eventually started to lose grip on his power by the end. Nygard went into this extremely contentious battle with his neighboring billionaire in regards to noise and property complaints. This caused a lot of issues for him. Eventually Nygard’s own camera man who filmed much of his life went to help Nygard’s rival.
This feud seemed to embolden his adversaries and more women began to speak out. Women who were as old as just 14. We are talking about Jeffrey Epstein energy.
I personally believe that when Trump got into office this began a significant shift in the world. No longer would trafficking go as unnoticed as before, no longer would the children be the last priority. Trump immediately got in and went to work in his mission to save America and the children, to save our future. Is it a coincidence that Harvey Weinstein, Epstein, Ghislaine Maxwell the NVXIIM cult, pedophile Saudi Princes all faced severe judgment or exposure after Trump got into office? I believe there has been much going on behind the scenes but the message is clear: Elite pedophiles and cult members are no longer as safe as they once were. And if they are, researchers like yours truly and the army of anons will work diligently to expose them. God is bringing the hammer down on these people and they do not sleep as sound at night after they commit their evil deeds. We’ve reached a linchpin in history and it is a beautiful yet chaotic time to be alive. In other words: God wins!
The sad image of an old man, an archetype for the corrupt elite, rotting away in prison. After years of attempting to become immortal how ironic that he now wastes away in a cell, powerless to stop the inevitable end of his life. An end which will likely meet him in prison due to years of rape, trafficking and other unspeakable crimes. A futile attempt by another elite to spurn God only to come up short. One day we hope to have leaders who instead of crushing those beneath them, seek to lift them up. Until that is commonplace we have the examples of the old guard from Babylon the whore. Peter Nygard is a tragic example of corruption and evil from a day when they really believed they could get away with absolutely anything. And they did. But that time is coming to an end.


Balenciaga 2.0? This Is Way Worse…

Think Balenciaga was bad?

It was.

Now imagine something worse….much worse!

WARNING: this article contains extremely graphic and disturbing images.  Read at your own risk.  But it must be published.

Allow me to introduce you to Gorsad Kiev or Gorsad Kyiv.

Yup, the same “Kyiv” in Ukraine.

This is Ukrainian based and as the video below says, when you truly understand all that is happening in Ukraine you’re going to be SICK to your stomach…..and then majorly pissed off.

Watch this:

Now let’s dig into some examples…

SECOND WARNING: this is where it gets nasty.

Here’s the least bad of all, so let’s start here:

Ok fine.

Now we amp it up, buckle up…

Here’s where it starts getting really sick:

Plastic bags over heads?

Fruit posed right over the ‘gina?

How charming.

I don’t even know WHAT this is, or why the bottom right picture would ever be necessary:

Vigilant Citizen gives more detail about what Gorsad Kiev is:

Gorsad Kyiv is a photography collective consisting of three artists: Viktor Vasiliev, Maria Romaniuk, and Ulik Romaniuk. Based in Kyiv, Ukraine, the group has collaborated with many galleries, magazines, musicians, and brands such as I-D Vice, Dazed & Confused, Skim milk, Hood by Air, Ariel Pink, and others.

In 2022, Gorsad Kyiv was named in PhotoVogue’s list of “100 Next Great Fashion Image Makers”.

PhotoVogue Festival unites the biggest names in the fashion industry, along with numerous publishers from CondeNast – the megacorporation that owns hundreds of publications around the world. Here, PhotoVogue features a picture by Gorsad which features a sad and frightened girl.

One only needs to take a look at a few pics taken by Gorsad to realize one thing: There is something terribly wrong with them. Everything about their work refers directly to pedophilia, child abuse, and sex trafficking. Many children in these pictures appear deeply unwell as if they are actual victims of human trafficking that are constantly drugged and abused.

Instead of being alarmed by these pictures, “industry experts” actually celebrate Gorsad and reward them with lucrative contracts. And, since the Ukraine war, the collective is touted as “freedom fighters” by the media as it urges people to support them with donations. Are you crazy?

One of the ridiculous headlines praising Gorsad.

Why does the industry love Gorsad so much and why aren’t they being investigated by the police? Well, when one realizes that their works are also replete with the occult elite’s satanic symbolism, one realizes one important fact: They’re part of the same sick culture.

I can’t even pick a “worst”

Larger view:

A lot of photos feature abuse or violence directed towards small children:

Backpack? 👀


This makes my skin crawl:

Part of a child trafficking and abuse ring?

What is this?

And then of course we have the Satanism, the Goats, the Pentagrams….

Because, of course we do:

How is this even legal?

If you had a neighbor with this crap up on their walls, tell me you wouldn’t immediately report them to the police.

And yet they think this is “art” or “advertising”?


Backpack zoomed in.

Because that’s what you need for school:

Held against their will?


At least this one has all clothes on:

I’m sure most of this will soon be deleted and pages wiped, but here is their Tumblr with even WORSE stuff on it and I can’t even post them here:

From Evie Magazine, these images have been featured and given awards by Vogue:

Disturbing photos of minors have begun circulating online after users discovered an Instagram account full of inappropriate pictures. The account in question is owned by @grsdkyiv, and it belongs to a company called Gorsad Kyiv. The majority of their photographs include small children being abused. Below, there’s a photo of two little boys with their heads in plastic bags. There’s another image of a little girl lying in bed with a choker on, and another minor is seen with a chain around her neck.

In the post below, a young girl wrapped in a plastic bag lies in bed, and a blonde girl – who looks to be younger than 7 – poses provocatively in minimal clothing and heels.

According to their official website, Gorsad is a Kyiv-based “trio of artists” named Masha Romaniuk, Ulik Romaniuk, and Vitya Vasylie. They “specialize on alternative photography and provocative video,” and their works “are mainly focused on youth, feelings and sexuality in all their peculiarities and oddities.” They often collaborate with fashion publications.

Their list of clients includes TTSWTRS, Litkovskaya, Luxoptica, Skim milk LA, Tender and Dangerous, HOOD BY AIR, Alan Badoev, Max Barskih, Ariel Pink, Dazed magazine, Desillusion Skatebording, and Cashbroke. Gorsad’s work has been published in large magazines including Vogue, L’officel, Numero, Liberation, Dazed magazine, Kapital-noviny, I-D, Vice, Dust, Tush, Trip mag, Tissue Mag, S Mag, and more.

One user, @itsnatlydenise, discovered some of their other work on Instagram. Gorsad shared an image they were proud of, and it was selected by none other than Vogue. It showed a frail minor nearly naked in bed, hugging her knees to her chest.

Their other pictures were more graphic. They had one of two underaged males staring up at someone’s crotch. Another photograph included two minors licking lollipops.

In one headline about Gorsad written by Numero, a rough translation states: “The corrupt innocence of Ukrainian youth under the eye of the Gorsad collective.”

What do you think?

Speaking of….

You’ll Never Guess What “Balenciaga” Means…


Weird name, right?

When the story first broke, we all spent the first half hour just trying to learn how to spell and how to pronounce this weird name.

So where did it come from and what does it mean?

If we’ve learned anything over the years, it’s that these people don’t do anything by accident.



It’s all highly planned out and “hidden in plain sight”.

So if you’ve got a massively Satanic company, you have to give it a massively Satanic name, right?

I think that’s just common sense.

And sure enough they did.




I almost couldn’t believe it, so I tested it myself and sure enough it’s accurate.

Try it on your own if you like:

Now to address the doubters…

Because I can already hear 1 or 2 poindexters reading this and saying: “but, but, that’s not accurate!  The company’s name is Balenciaga not Baalenciaga so you are fake news!”

We’ve got 4 million AWESOME readers here each month, and about 1-2 poindexters, so if you’re one of the poindexters all me to address you here instead of in the comments section…

First of all, they always tweak and hide things JUST ever so slightly…

That’s part of the game.

Calling the company Baal-enciaga would be a bit too obvious even for them, but a very slight and subtle shift to Bal-enciaga it just what the doctor ordered for these sickos!

Second, if you’re paying attention they’ve already admitted it’s true, you just have to connect the dots.

Remember this?

Zoom in:

You have to be EXTREMELY dense to believe they put caution tape that spells BAAL in the photo shoot and that it was an accident.

Yeah, right!

Speaking of symbolism, it’s everywhere in here:

Oh, and for those who don’t know, BAAL is an ancient Canaanite King mentioned in the Bible.

He’s one of the Fallen Angels, described in Genesis 6:4.

Perhaps synonymous with Satan, perhaps a different evil Fallen Angel, that part is unclear.

Satan has so many names, but this is one of them.

Just like Moloch.  And Dagon.  You also have Baal or Ba’al.

Here’s more of the evil:

Somehow…The Balenciaga Scandal Just Got Even Worse!

Just when you think the Child Sex Trafficking, Bondage Teddy Bear, Demonic Ba-alenciaaga scandal couldn’t POSSIBLY get any worse….it does.

It’s becoming hard to even process in my mind, but this looks like the most Satanic thing you could possibly imagine.

Bloody babies in bags?

Is that bad?

Is that near the top of your list of worst things ever?

Me too.

So now ask yourself why these “fashion icons” think it’s a good look?

Literally of all the things you could decide to do for fashion, dead bloody babies in bags is what you go with?



Is anyone seeing this?

Well, watch it right here on Rumble:

Here’s what BioClandestine had to say on Telegram:

I’m seeing this on Twitter, haven’t seen it on Truth or Telegram, but some of the Balenciaga models were carrying fake babies, with baby items, splattered in blood… and carried it inside their Balenciaga bags on stage during the “fashion show”.

Compound this with the Balenciaga photo shoots with court cases and books in the background pertaining to child pornography, Satanism, occultism, etc., and it’s pretty obvious SOMETHING is going on.

And the lack of outrage from the Left is DEAFENING.

Exactly right!

Want more?

Want to know why I’m so pissed off?

Read this:

BANNED On YouTube: Balenciaga Exposed, It’s Gotten Far Worse! [WARNING: Extremely Graphic]

I want to stop covering the Balenciaga Scandal because it makes me sick each time I look at it…but it just keeps getting worse!

And we have to tell you the full story.

Because the only way to stop evil is to shine light on it.

And this thing needs a LOT of light…

And chlorox…

And garlic…

And whatever else stops and kills evil.

Because if you thought it was bad before (and it was!) you might not be prepared for this next stuff.

I’m going to start with this YouTube video from the guy over at A Call For An Uprising, who does fantastic work.

A true “Deplorable”.

Glad to have him on our side exposing this stuff!

And for his efforts in exposing Balenciaga, his latest YouTube video received a strike.


Because it told too much truth.

He left the video up anyway and I’m now sharing with you:

Backup here on Rumble:

The video is so good I encourage all of you to watch it…

But for those of you who don’t have time, let me cover what is in there.

Balenciaga has attempted to distance itself from this scandal by claiming it had no idea what it’s marketing agency was doing.

Almost no one is buying that, but that’s what they’re claiming.

And if no one was buying that before, I expect perhaps ZERO people will buy it after seeing this.

Meet “Lotta Volkova” (likely not her real name, but we’ll go with it).

Lotta is the Chief Designer for Balenciaga.

Juanita B is right:

“They knew exactly what they were doing.”

Very sick photo.

Red babies as if they are covered in blood.

Her face that just oozes evil.

Demonic red everywhere.

Who would ever pose like this?

Not me!

Not you!

Not anyone I know.

But these people think this is ok.

It’s not.

But….that’s the NICEST thing I’m going to show you from her.

That’s her at her best.

It gets much worse.

WARNING: read on at your own risk!

Here is a post proudly promoting cannibalism:

I know, I know….I just don’t get the joke.

You’re right, I don’t!

You just don’t get art!

You’re right, I don’t!

Not this garbage!

Here’s where it gets REALLY evil and satanic:

These are the things of nightmares, why would anyone purposely create this?

Is America waking up yet?

I know everyone has hated the delay we’ve been experiencing, but it seems as though it was necessary to let all of this evil rise to the surface and be seen.

She loves promoting BAAL:

These make me puke!

More cannibalism, this time inside a church for extra offense!




This one post alone should be enough to have the FBI raid this sick company and shut them down forever.

How is this tolerated?

How is this legal?

It’s no coincidence that Kanye is also in the news right now.

He was in deep with these people:

And after ALL of this, Kim Kardashian can’t seem to disavow them.

She’s “giving it some thought” about what she wants to do.

You kidding me?

And perhaps the worst of all, although it’s hard to pick:


And do you remember Rachel Chandler?

MAJOR UPDATE: Rachel Chandler Tied To Balenciaga?

I said earlier today that it feels like not only are multiple major stories all coming together and intersecting with each other, but they’re on a crash course and about to collapse the entire system under their own weight.

FTX, Ukraine, Pedos, Money Laundering, Balenciaga, human trafficking, child trafficking, sex trafficking, open borders, the Biden Regime, RINO Republicans, 10% for the Big Guy, Hunter Biden, Hunter Biden’s laptop, Les Wexner, Epstein Island, Jeffrey Epstein….

Are they ALL connected?

It’s looking more and more likely.

Here’s the latest major connection to surface.

Rachel Chandler.

You might recognize that name, but for those who don’t I will fill you in.

She is most famous for this picture with Bill Clinton which is rumored to be from Jeffrey Epstein’s plane on the way to/from the infamous Epstein Island:

Chandler has been mentioned frequently in Q posts.

I want to be clear right upfront that no guilt on behalf of Chandler has ever been admitted or found by a court, and we want to make that clear.

It is also unclear if she was a victim, participant or perhaps both.  Or perhaps neither.

But speculation is running wild online…

Here is a reference to the Q Drop involving Chandler:

Many believe Chandler played a role perhaps procuring girls for Epstein Island:

Others believe “Chandler” is not even her real name, but instead an alias giving homage to Child+Handler.

If true, that’s sick stuff:

And now come reports that Chandler is connected to Balenciaga:

The Chandler / Balenciaga is confirmed by

“It’s not like pink hair, it’s an entirely new way of looking at people,” says Walter Pearce. He’s explaining a shift in casting practices that began with brands like Hood By Air and Eckhaus Latta in New York and has since spread to every level of the fashion industry. It’s a shift towards what Walter calls “weird in a good way,” away from “the female beauty standard that’s so aggressively all over New York.” And it’s partly what led to a centuries-old brand like Balenciaga sending artists and DJs down its runways this year.

This summer, Walter and photographer Rachel Chandler founded Midland, a new kind of modeling and casting agency to support this new kind of model. Their goal is to make sure the Instagram- and street-cast students, skate kids, and club kids that brands now covet for their subcultural capital get work and get paid, while maintaining their sanity and sense of fun.

“We talked about how drastic the shift in casting has been over the last few years. How a lot of students or artists are modeling now, because they have a look that’s desirable, but they’re not represented,” explains Rachel. “And if you’re unrepresented, you often end up underpaid. So Midland has two parts: it’s a casting agency but we’re also a model agency.”

Rachel and Walter currently represent 16 models, in addition to casting and consulting for brands including Junya Watanabe, Eckhaus Latta, and Hood By Air. “I think so far, the greatest compliment anyone gave me was from a friend who’s not in the industry,” says Rachel, “They told me, ‘When I look at the roster, I want to know more about each person. I want to know who they are.”

Rai, one of Midland’s models, went to Walter’s high school in upstate New York. He is over six foot tall, with the luminous skin, long hair, and slightly angular upturned nose of an anime character. “Right when I started casting, he was on my mind,” Walter says. “But I think I hadn’t developed my style enough, I wasn’t confident enough, to know that he was actually so strong.”

Walter, now 21, began his career during his sophomore year in high school. He interned at DIS magazine at 14, before a mutual friend introduced him to Shayne Oliver of Hood By Air. At 16, he started interning with Oliver (who he now refers to as “my mother”), and assisted the brand with casting. He helped oversee the street casting for Oliver’s beautifully twisted scholastic spring/summer 16 show, flying over two guys he’d met in LA, with faces covered in tattoos. And this past September, working as Midland, he oversaw Hood By Air’s show casting for the first time. Rai walked in a white shirt with straight-jacket-like sleeves, his hair and forehead wet with a half-inch-thick layer of Vaseline.

“Only when we were forming Midland was I like, ‘Wait a minute, this kid is so sick,'” Walter says. “It’s so funny knowing the context, that he went to this little high school upstate, because now of course we have a totally different relationship.”

“The whole thing’s super personal to us, and as a result the relationships are super personal,” Walter continues. He says that Guy, another model who was a Hood By Air exclusive this past season, is like a little brother to him. He sometimes goes to Walter’s house for dinner, he texts him on his birthday. “We basically shattered this idea that enjoying modeling and getting work are mutually exclusive. That’s been the standard up to this point, for real.”

“The other thing that’s been really cool is that the agency’s two parts feed each other,” says Rachel. Rachel works with Eckhaus Latta year round, and through the brand’s open casting calls on Instagram she met two people she ended up signing with Midland. “Another boy we have on our roster, I was eating in a sushi restaurant on Avenue A and was literally mid-bite when I saw him walk by. I ran out and my friend thought I was completely insane. But I signed him and he did the Helmut Lang [campaign] I just cast.”

Like Walter, Rachel has a sought-after eye for spotting talent in unlikely places, a knack she honed through her work as a photographer. In March she helped curate the lineup for Demna Gvsalia’s fall/winter 16 Balenciaga show. “The casting director was a friend of a friend and he needed help,” she explains. “I suggested a few people for them and they ended up taking all of my suggestions! So I thought, ‘Ok, I must be good at this.'”

According to other reports from Oli London, Chandler runs a talent agency which procured many of the models for the Balenciaga photo shoot in question.

More on that below if you missed the original story (this will blow your mind).

So is Chandler connected?

Many say so:

Here is a portion of the photo shoot in question….

Very troubling:

Here is Oli London’s report on Rumble:

And here’s a longer clip:

Meanwhile…Balenciaga has gone into damage control mode.

They have denied all liability and claimed the photographer acted without their knowledge, and they’re now suing:

Many people online are not buying the lawsuit and claim it’s only window dressing for damage control:

Here’s what Kim Kardashian just posted and people don’t seem to be buying it:


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