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MSNBC’s Mika Brzenzinski: Trump Talks Like He Should Be “Put In An Old Age Home”

After President Trump’s recent foreign policy speech, MSNBC’s Mika Brzenzinski offered her analysis.

According to Mika, President Trump talks as if he should be “put in an old age home.”

Ummm, has Mika ever said anything like that about Joe Biden?

What about Joe Fetterman?

This is why people don’t trust the media!

There is a double standard that is clear for everyone to see!

President Trump is sharp, witty, and knowledgeable on all the topics he talks about.

Compare that to Joe, who fumbles, mumbles, and appears to fall asleep at every other appearance.

Yet, that didn’t stop MSNBC’s Mika from slamming President Trump’s mental health and agility.

Of course, Mika used Republicans as a “cover” for her criticism.

Let’s take a look at what Raw Story reported:

Donald Trump raged against the criminal and civil cases against him in a dark campaign speech that MSNBC’s Mika Brzezinski suggested was a sign of worsening mental health.

The former president told a crowd of supporters they shouldn’t bother voting because elections were rigged, mixed up the leaders of Hungary and Turkey, and claimed to be the first person to notice the similarities between the abbreviation U.S. and the word “us,” and the “Morning Joe” co-hosts raised concerns about his fitness for office.

“Donald Trump gave a campaign speech in New Hampshire yesterday,” Brzezinski said. “Let’s just say, in all seriousness, by the way, this is not a joke, if Joe Biden had said the things that Trump said, most Republicans would be calling for him to be put in an old age home.”

Here’s the difference:

President Trump was clearly joking when he was talking about the “U.S.” and “us.” It was a joke. Like, something he meant for you to laugh at.

Joe doesn’t say anything funny… and when you laugh at his bumbles, mumbles, and fumbles, it’s more of a morbid laugh.

This is why President Trump calls them the “fake news media.”

The only standards they have are double standards.

But it’s not just Mika.

There is a coordinated attack taking place against President Trump.

The “Republican” Lincoln Project is now running ads claiming that President Trump is unwell, senile, and too old to be president.

I have a question for the Lincoln Project:

Where are the similar ads against Joe Biden?

Per Boing Boing:

The Lincoln Project certainly enjoys rattling Orange Julius’ cage. You can be sure Trump watches every one of these videos and sprays the walls with condiments.

We’ve all watched Donald Trump’s mental decline for years. It’s time for Fox News to tell the truth: he’s too old to run for President.

If you observe the media long enough, these inconsistencies and double standards become all too apparent.

Fortunately, the internet has leveled the playing field.

So what do you think?

Do you agree with Mika and the Lincoln Project?

Is President Trump too old to run for office?

Personally, I believe my own eyes and ears – and my eyes and ears are telling me that President Trump is much stronger than Joe Biden!


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