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Update From The FBI’s Former “Prophet”

Prophet to the FBI…that’s quite a job title!

That’s exactly what Chris Reed was.

We’ve covered him here before, not too often but a few times before.

Very interesting guy!

Apparently, during the Trump Administration he was brought on to give any prophetic wisdom to the Government.

As you probably know, Governments have long used “seers” or “remote viewers” or “magicians” dating back to the times of ancient Egypt.

It’s even in the Bible.

But apparently someone in the Trump Administration thought perhaps we should stop listening to those people and instead listen to a Christian prophet!



Chris Reed served in that role until he was dismissed by the Biden Regime.

But what I want to show you was this video he just released, from his time with Sid Roth.

Watch here:

Full transcript:

hello s Roth here with Chris Reed for those not familiar with Chris Reed uh Chris is the new leader of uh uh morning

Rick joiner’s Morning Star Ministry uh and he’s a dreamer and he called me the other day I believe it was uh you told me this past Saturday night you had a

dream uh Chris and and there’s something that jumped didn’t just a little jumped out at me on this dream and we’ll get into it in a moment but the thing that jumped out to me is a statement that God made actually I think you read it in the dream and you and God

said so goes Israel so goes America and uh obviously I don’t think there’s a human going that doesn’t know what’s going on in Israel right now and we’ll get into that in a moment but uh for those those that uh really want to investigate how accurate his dreams have


been uh he has a uh television show and if you would uh tell them how they can get to it yeah the name of the show is called prophetic Chronicles and we’ve taped over 30 episodes and it can be found on Morningstar or on the Chris Reed Ministries YouTube channel and it’s where I basically explain prophetic

Revelation or I interview people I’ve given words to and it shows how it was the secrets of the heart and they document the healing uh the miracle or the fruit of the prophetic word well you know Chris something else that you told me before we did this interview is uh you were part and I knew about this for years you were part of a prophetic team

uh that gave prophetic information about the country and other countries to our own FBI but you said something that was is actually very disturbing to me that they shut that down is that correct yeah after Biden became president uh there seemed to be a less of an emphasis on valuing uh prophetic Revelation you see the this started back the Soviet Union used to use psychics to try to be able to project themselves and look over the shoulders of soldiers uh to to find intelligence well there was a

Spirit-filled person who valued the prophetic and he believed that we could uh do that but with Christianity with the Holy Spirit and it was kind of done away with well the holy spirit is very welcome on this show and Chris I want you to feel as free as you’ve ever felt in your life and I’ve got some ideas of what I want to ask you but I defer and I want you to defer to the spirit of the Living God whatever Direction he takes us in but

let’s start out and by the way what you’re about to hear and I don’t even know if Chris knows this Chris is the third Prophet to tell me the same thing uh the dream you had this past Saturday night tell us about it yeah and Sid thank you for this opportunity and before God honestly I never had heard this statement or these details given from anyone else but this was a dream I had on um October the 8th 2023 and that night that Saturday night

after the War Began and it Disturbed me so much that I didn’t talk about it for a couple of days and then I started sharing the details of it with people here at my staff at Morning Star and then I I shared it with you and um and this is the dream um in this dream I saw a map of the United States and I saw that through the American southern border amidst as we’ve documented there’s six million plus have illegally

crossed uh into the southern border since the Biden Administration took office in this dream I saw amidst those masses there were uh thousands of terrorists obviously not all of those people but you know infiltrated in there were thousands of terrorists from Middle Eastern countries that had crossed illegally into the USA and in the dream said it was the most strange and unique scenario I was given a cell phone and somehow I was able to read an encrypted communication um explaining things that

I knew that these terrorists also had access to I I had access to this communication uh device and in the communication and encryption was explaining the coordinated plan of terrorists uh that they had for America to hijack uh the American government or to destroy the nation and I remember one


of the first things in the dream once I got the cell phone the device of communication I remember reading the words quote so goes Israel so goes America unquote before you go further yeah I was going to say before you go further clarify what you believe God was saying to you and to us the attack that started on the last great day of Tabernacles last Saturday came in Israel through the southern

border as a breach of security and intelligence and that’s so goes Israel so goes America and as the rest of the dream unfolds it explains how that applies so in this dream the same thing happened a breach of security and intelligence at our Southern border just like what happened in Israel’s Southern border terrorists came across and as we know many people that have come into this nation even illegally are not evil people but there were these terrorists amidst um these people and they were Middle Eastern train terrorists who took advantage of the open us Southern border and in the dream I was reading in this encrypted phone that sit

since the disastrous Afghanistan pullout in August of 2021 I was able to read in this dream that since then the weapons that were left by the US military when Biden pulled the US military out of Afghanistan the uh Islamic group took control in Afghanistan they filled the vacuum and since then many of the weapons that the Americans left they now have videos of the terrorists using weapons

that look very similar or identical to the ones that we left there and so Afghanistan lost the presence of the US and the Middle East became destabilized and that was the beginning of this new front of this coordinated uh training breeding ground if you please of radical Islamic

terrorism now I saw Jihad Islamic radical terrorism resurged as a result of the vacuum left in Afghanistan and I was able in this encrypted communication on this device I was able to read the nations from which these IND individuals that come up through the southern border came from the terrorists and I remembered seeing the quote Stan Nations unquote now what I mean by that is Afghanistan Pakistan yekan the there were Stan Nations and I remember uh those particularly now here’s what happened once they came in

through the southern border they were working in coordination with the cartels at the southern border to get into the US and they would relocate themselves in different states and different parts of the United States accordingly as they were commanded to from command from the technological device that they were given instructions on it was known as command and then I saw

12 dormant sleeper terrorist cells that had developed on the US map and initially these terrorists that came through the southern Border in the dream I knew and was shown that they were taking shelter initially in the sanctuary C cities and they were given contacts of people in those areas that they could connect with upon their

arrival and those contacts that were already there could help them get established even get employment have a place to live establish themselves here and here’s what these terrorists were promised as I read in this encrypted foam it they were promised from command that’s what it was called command that their families number one would be rewarded financially for their compliance to command and number two they were promise rewards in the

afterlife for compliance so that’s why they came they came up to the southern border and as I said there were 12 places I saw in the US that were sleeper cells sleeper dormant terrrace cells and I actually saw a few of the 12 I remember seeing where they were I saw one in Michigan I saw one in Minnesota I saw one in Arizona I saw one in Texas I saw one in the Carolinas and I saw one in the New England area New York Boston

Philadelphia in that U location because of being high population centers now here was the plan and the dream in this encrypted communication the plan was they were going to set themselves in place to be able to control the actions of the US government and dictate our foreign policy or our defense who we defended who we stood with or they were trying to Blackmail

the US government by saying if you respond this way uh to if you respond to this world event they were blackmailing the US government and US government officials and this is what they were saying quote if you do such and such in any particular situation we will coordinate and detonate simultaneously if the government doesn’t comply with our demands and wishes and detonation in these 12 locations was the final step but here’s what the the demands were the demands were clear number one and by the way let me wait a second let me let me just uh interrupt and say I’ve known Chris now

for a while and the thing that I’m in awe over literally is uh when he prophesies over people it’s so specific he’ll even have the house address of their former house uh he’ll have their names of last name or spouse uh so it doesn’t surprise me that you’re getting so so specific


now in this dream yeah and one of the more common things is that is also the Lord has shown me in detail the dreams people have had and I’ve told them and they’ve confirmed that it wasn’t public information so here were the demands the demands were number one don’t use the US military to attack or fight against Jihad number two the second demand was continue to the US government continue to send funds to Iran and terrorist states to support them in the name of foreign aid number three these groups had pictures explicit in nature of us politicians in every branch of our government that they

threatened to use if the US government or military crossed the red line of the terrorists excuse me what do you mean use what would they what were they threatening they were threatening to expose illicit pictures of politicians blackmail to embarrass them yeah blackmail exactly and in every branch of government and the fourth was explosions or de nations in these 12 terce cells were that was the last step okay but before that they could attack the

infrastructure of the US or disrupt NE technology or other means of controlling the US government blackouts and such they could also coordinate through command and through their communication devices mass shootings or Mass knife attacks or taking hostages in various places in the US and demand Ransom okay to give them back I then finally saw the last step that they would take and that was a detonation would happen across the US and I saw smoke clouds all

over the map I saw Rubble destruction and disaster and I woke up and actually when I woke up I was I was weeping because it was the most disturbing dream that I had had since I had the the the $50 bill dream which went viral last year briefly what was that dream the $50 bill dream was the dream that where I saw a Man tear the $50 bill in three stages and it was showing the slow low and gradual destabilization of the American dollar and the monetary

value of the 50 United States until ultimately their goal the globalist goal was to get us on a digital currency to control us even more with cancel culture not just shutting you off off of you know social media but pushing a button and shutting off your bank account and that was their goal and so when I woke up from this dream with the 12 12 terrorist cells the sleeper cells I knew that if prayer was taken and action was

taken just like faith and works that we could stop this from happening but just but just like this attack came from the southern border up into Israel these terrorists that came up through the US Southern border have plans they’re waiting for

the queue they’re waiting for the order and I know they have plans now now we know that there are prophetic words in scripture God pronounced a prophetic word of judgment over Nineveh but when Jonah went and preached to Nineveh the Judgment was spared or it was it was put off Hezekiah was given a prophetic word he was going to die but we know he was

told get your house in order you’re going to die but he prayed he turned his face to the wall and he changed God’s prophetic word uh because of his repentance and as it stands now this is what will happen if we do not pray like we never before against the spirit of insanity insanity and violence and we must be alert we got to take action Congress has got to stop the the

flooding in The Invasion at our Southern border and we also as churches and min indries need to develop situational


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