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President Trump Says Biden’s Weakness Strengthened Hamas, Iran

In an opinion piece that was published in Newsweek, the 45th President discussed the current situation in Israel and what led to it.

Trump said that the world is a safer place when America is strong. Unfortunately, we have a weak president in the White House.

According to President Trump, the Biden administration’s incompetence and ignorance led to the deadly assault on Israel.

While he was in the White House, Trump destroyed ISIS and Al Qaeda, weakening terrorists all over the world.

He also weakened Iran and told countries like China that if they did business with Iran, they wouldn’t be able to do business with the United States.

Trump also imposed sanctions on Iran that weakened the country’s economy.

Once Biden got into office, he loosened Trump’s sanctions, which allowed Iran to produce more than three million barrels of oil per day, allowing the terrorist sponsors to make over $80 billion a year.

Here’s a portion of the Newsweek article:

Iran knew that Biden was soft, foolish, and able to be pushed around the very moment he assumed office. In May 2021, shortly after Biden eased sanctions, Iran’s proxy Hamas launched over 4,000 missiles at Israeli population centers. Iran paid no price—and then Biden sat back for nearly three years while the Iranian regime accumulated $70 billion in oil wealth to help fund its terror network around the world.

On top of all this, just last month, Biden unfroze $6 billion of Iranian money in exchange for hostages—a ransom payment that set a terrible precedent and put a bounty on the heads of innocent people all over the globe.

Meanwhile, Iran and China strengthened ties with oil deals worth hundreds of billions of dollars.

Days ago, we saw the deadly consequences of these three years of breathtaking weakness and appeasement: the worst terror attack in Israel’s history. Depraved savages rampaged through civilian communities house by house, torturing, raping, and maiming innocent men, women, and children. They kidnapped infants and the elderly and took them hostage to torture them some more. They had children tied up and shot. Babies murdered and burned.

The tens of billions of dollars that Biden allowed Iran to accumulate are now being used by Iran to finance this mayhem and murder.

Under my leadership, our approach was the exact opposite. The world was safe, peaceful, and calm—because the United States of America was respected and strong.

Even though President Trump is prone to the occasional exaggeration, he is speaking facts here. During his presidency, terrorist attacks around the world went down and even Russia towed the line.

Once he was out of office, there was nobody to deter people like Vladimir Putin from doing what they wanted.

Now, we have a war in Ukraine and another in Israel, with Iran also threatening to enter the fray. All I know is November 2024 can’t come fast enough.


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