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WATCH: Fact Or Fiction? Accounts Of The Legendary TR-3B

Many are calling the Summer of 2023 the UFO summer.

Indeed, the media has been filled with story after story relating to UFOs, hidden technology, and secret military black projects.

Among these stories are numerous accounts of a legendary, anti-gravitational aircraft purportedly operated by the U.S. military known as the TR-3B.

The TR-3B is widely described as being a black, completely silent, triangular craft that works using an anti-gravity drive that reportedly protrudes from the center of the craft.

This aircraft has long been rumored to exist, with some even claiming that it has been used in various theatres of war.

Take a look through the various reports and videos below and let us know what you think; Is the TR-3B a real deep black project, or is it merely science fiction?

Wartime Stories, a popular YouTube channel that presents the experiences of U.S. service members, shared numerous military and civilian accounts of the TR-3B.

One user shared this video, reportedly taken from a police dash camera, of an alleged triangle-shaped craft gliding through the air. The craft appears to be flying backward.

According to Express.UK:

A ‘GLOWING’ object spotted over Ukraine could be a TR-3B anti-gravity spacecraft built using alien technology, a UFO conspiracy theorist has announced.

The strange object has no wings, windows, or contrail and maintains a reflective glowing white appearance for the duration of the controversial 20 second clip.

Writer Mick West presented the green triangle UFO incident reported by Navy Personnel, could these potentially be TR-3B craft in operation?

Ross Coulthart details one such incident involving the USS Eisenhower and a floating, black triangle that fits the description of a TR-3B craft.

In a 2020 article, Washington Examiner noted a report that most likely referred to the USS Eisenhower incident:

It is the 2020 report, however, which is most striking. Shared very widely across the civilian and military intelligence community, it includes an extraordinary photograph taken in late 2019 of a triangle-shaped UFO.

The photograph was taken by a F/A-18F fighter jet operating off the U.S. East Coast. According to the report, the Triangle UFO rose out of the Atlantic Ocean and rapidly accelerated out of sight on a vertical axis.

I believe, but have been unable to confirm, that the aircrew responsible for the photo were operating off either the USS Dwight D. Eisenhower or the USS John C. Stennis.


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