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Why Did The Government Just Purchase $1.8 BILLION Pediatric COVID Vaccines?

Pandemic 2.0 incoming?

We’ve seen all the writing on the wall recently….

The return of masks.

The return of celebrities announcing they’ve come down with COVID.

And a new election on the horizon…imagine that!

Now it appears the Government has pulled out their crystal ball and determined we need $1.8 BILLION more in emergency pediatric COVID vaccines?

How would they know that?

And am I crazy or does anyone else remember back in 2020 when COVID only impacted the elderly?

Children were practically immune, anyone else remember that?

Now they need $1.8 BILLION in emergency jabs?

Anyone else finding your internal warning meters flashing red?

Here’s the scoop…

The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) committed a substantial $1.8 billion in June for pediatric COVID-19 vaccines, while alluding to a projected outbreak in September.

Natalie Winters, co-host of Steve Bannon’s War Room, shared this information today on X:

$1.8 billion sure does seem like a lot of money.

Sure it pales in comparison to how much we keep sending Ukraine, but it would probably go a long way in a place like Maui, don’t you think?

But wait, there’s yet another side of these COVID contracts that is worth examining.

After the CDC ordered the first round of doses in June during a conventional competitive bidding process, something happened in July.

The CDC claimed after a “needs assessment” that they must immediately increase its vaccine order in just a two week time period.

From the Gateway Pundit:

According to the contract, the CDC performed a “needs assessment” in July 2023, stating that approximately 16.75 million pediatric COVID-19 vaccines were required. This was a 15% increase from the vaccine amounts available in contracts awarded in June. However, the CDC didn’t leave time for open competition, citing “compressed timeframes” and “urgent need” as reasons.

One must question the intuition or data that led the CDC to such a well-timed prediction. The agency moved to finalize these contracts before even assessing the exact vaccine needs for September.

The CDC’s own documentation acknowledges the lack of competition in sourcing these vaccines. It indicates that “this compressed timeframe was created by several factors,” giving them inadequate time to open the contracts for competitive bidding.

They increased the vax order by 15% and they fast-tracked the process.

Citing an “urgent need,” the CDC awarded the new vaccine order in a no-bid contract process conducted in a severely shortened timeframe.

Essentially, the CDC spent hundreds of millions more of taxpayer money without free market competition and without offering any real proof of need for such emergency actions.

Is there a coordinated effort by the government to reinstate COVID mandates and restrictions at a huge price to the American taxpayer physically, emotionally, and monetarily?

Plandemic 2.0? “Experts” Want COVID Masks to Comeback This Fall

What do YOU think?

Just prudent planning by the Government or a huge conflict of interest and spending money we don't have?


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