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Barry Wunsch: The Great Deception Is Coming To An End — GWB43 Going Down

From time to time we cover different prophetic messages on here.

Recently we’ve scaled back a bit but I still cover them when I feel they are especially notable or if they catch my eye.

This one really caught my attention because just yesterday I put together a huge series exposing the 9/11 coverup.

I’ll be releasing that series gradually over the next week.

Why did I do that right now?

I can’t really tell you other than the fact I suddenly felt led to do it.

So I did.

And I think it’s going to open up a lot of new eyes.

I know many of you already know something wasn’t right about 9/11 but we are in a season right now of exposure and many great deceptions will be unveiled and unmasked.

So I thought the title of this video with Barry Wunsch was interesting but then I was blown away when I started listening.

You probably already guessed: it’s all about Barry being given a prophetic vision that 9/11 was going to be fully unveiled and explained what really happened.

He says there are many whistleblowers who have kept quiet all these years but it’s literally eating them alive and they can’t live with it any longer.

He says they will be coming forward and then the arrests will begin for what happened on 9/11.

He says George W. Bush was deeply involved in it and will be arrested and charged…as will many, many others.

So there you go!

There’s a ton more in here, including a whole second half of this that is all about a coming very soon celebration for Trump on a historic victory.

Dancing in the streets.

Barry says he literally saw an Angel Army surrounding and protecting President Trump, which is actually what I’ve said I believe it happening for a long time.

Almost no other way to explain it.

So I’m covering this to document everything and then we watch and see.

But please enjoy, this is very encouraging!

Watch on Rumble:

If you want to study up on the last time we covered Barry’s message, here it is…

Barry Wunsch Has A Prophetic Word For DeSantis, Trump…and Taiwan!

Barry Wunsch has been a favorite of ours for a long time.

Humble stature…

He just brings the truth that God shows him in dreams and visions.

And he’s been very accurate as long as we’ve been covering him.

This time he has as powerful prophetic word for DeSantis, followed by a counter-one for Trump.

And then a full prophetic word for Taiwan.

Warning: if you’ve never heard Barry before, he does have a sort of a stutter almost like tourettes syndrome, when he feels the power of God and has an audible gasp.

So please don’t let that bother you.

Watch here on Rumble:


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