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MSNBC Mocked For Equating Physical Fitness With Being “Far Right”

Free man lifting weights gym workout photo, public domain fitness CC0 image.

It never ceases to amaze me the ideas that the mainstream media try to push on the general public.

They will go to great lengths to try and demonize anything that could be considered culturally a conservative idea.

Case and point: Last year, MSNBC released an article conflating physical fitness with far-right ideology.

That’s right, if you work out, you are now a far-right extremist…

This article has suddenly resurfaced online, and it’s become quite the talking point on social media.

It seems as if a trend is occurring where the left keeps equating healthy habits with “white supremacy” or the “far-right.”

I suppose they have no choice since they don’t have any legitimate arguments to support their own bullshit.

Here was the original article, which is again making the rounds on Twitter:

Here is a portion of the article from MSNBC:

Physical fitness has always been central to the far right. In “Mein Kampf,” Hitler fixated on boxing and jujitsu, believing they could help him create an army of millions whose aggressive spirit and impeccably trained bodies, combined with “fanatical love of the fatherland,” would do more for the German nation than any “mediocre” tactical weapons training.

In more modern times, far-right groups have launched mixed martial arts and boxing gyms in Ukraine, Canada and France, among other places, focused on training far-right nationalists in violent hand-to-hand combat and street-fighting techniques. It’s caught the attention of intelligence authorities, especially in Europe, where various reports have noted the role of combat sports and MMA in radicalizing and promoting far-right violence. A series of collaborative efforts between governments, national sports associations, and local gyms in places such as Germany, Poland and the United Kingdom have introduced intervention and prevention programs.

My favorite part was where the author tries to demonize fitness by saying that Hitler liked boxing and jujitsu…

We don’t need anyone to tell us how ridiculous of a concept this is…

Still, Joe Rogan had a fairly great reaction:

The Blaze reports on Rogan’s response:

A resurfaced article that linked physical fitness to white supremacy garnered a shocked response from podcast host Joe Rogan after the official account for MSNBC posted it Monday.

“Being healthy is ‘far right.’ Holy f***,” he tweeted.

Rogan had previously mocked the left over linking fitness to the far-right:

“There’s a giant percentage of our population that is really lazy and fat, and if you want those people on your team you have to say, ‘There’s nothing wrong with being lazy and fat, in fact; not being lazy and fat is actually connected to misogyny, racism, and fascism, and the far right,'” said Rogan in February.

“So people are like, ‘Great, let’s just eat donuts and just f***ing vote blue,'” he concluded.

Elon Musk also had a memorable reaction to the viral article:

The Washington Examiner has more from Musk:

The article, published by MSNBC, claimed that people on the far right had been using at-home fitness trends to “expand its decade-plus radicalization” of mixed martial arts and combat sports, adding that physical fitness “has always been central to the far right.” The article was mocked by Musk online, who jokingly claimed the outlet “thinks you’re a nazi if you work out.”

“MSNBC thinks you’re a nazi if you work out lmaooo,” Musk wrote.

Musk recently discussed the ludicrous idea that fitness is a far-right idea with rapper ZUBY:

It’s like the left has just given up defending their stupid ideas in favor of demonizing conservatives for having good values and habits:


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