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First They Came After Your Gas Stove, Next The Biden Admin Is Coming After…

First, the Biden administration came after our gas stoves. …Now they’re trying to come after our gas furnaces.

Reports indicate that 50% or more of American homes rely on gas-powered furnaces to provide life-saving heat to their homes during winter.

After all, gas is plentiful, reliable, and cheap. However, new reports seem to suggest that gas furnaces are the Biden administration’s next target.

The Empowerment Alliance tweeted:

“First, it was your gas stove, next they are coming for your gas furnace. 40-60% of furnaces on the market would be prohibited. This is life or death. Without access to affordable, reliable, home heating in the winter, people will die.”


Reactions on the internet were less than favorable—far less. It seems like this move is not popular with the American people at all.

Fox News sounded the alarm:

According to experts, the regulations — proposed in June 2022 by the Department of Energy (DOE) — would restrict consumer choice, drive prices higher and likely have a low impact on greenhouse gas emissions.

The agency could finalize the rules targeting residential gas furnaces, which more than 50% of American households rely on for space heating, at any point over the upcoming weeks.


The Patriot Journal writes:

The gas engine revolutionized everything we do. It changed America. Natural gas has made life cheaper, easier, and is it relatively clean.

Is there something cheaper and safer? Then the American people will come around to it and choose it on their own.

The government mandating it and forcing people to buy their “greener” technologies, which aren’t ready for the national stage, will only stifle innovation, creativity and human flourishing.


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