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‘SNL’ Veteran Jon Lovitz Takes Aim At Democrats With Brilliant Defense Of Trump’s Record

It might be hard to tell given the radical left-wing bias of the show as it exists today, but a number of former “Saturday Night Live” stars actually embrace some legitimately conservative values.

One of the most notable examples is Jon Lovitz, who recently sounded off on “self-loathing” Jewish Democrats and those who try to portray Donald Trump as antisemitic.

According to Fox News:

“And you’ve got Chuck Schumer, who’s Jewish, saying we should have elections in Israel now. And the reason President Trump and other people got mad is you’re not supposed to interfere – ironically, Trump – interfere in another country’s elections and in the middle of a war!” Lovitz exclaimed. “And Bernie Sanders, he’s always been, you know…. I said it before, and I’ll say it again, he’s a self-loathing Jew. And there’s a lot of them. ‘Why do you say that?’ I go, well, it’s clear as a bell, he’s not for Israel. ‘They have to stop this war.’ Why isn’t he condemning Hamas for starting it? What about that?”

“And whatever you think of Trump, the fact is that he’s done more for Israel than any president in the history of this country,” Lovitz added.

Here are some other examples of “SNL” veterans risking their careers to escape the liberal hive-mind mentality:

The Daily Wire offered additional details about Lovitz’s recent remarks:

When pressed about comments the former president made about Jewish voters still voting for Democrats despite the party’s pivot on Israel, the “Wedding Singer” star defended Trump whose actions, he said, show he’s not anti-Semitic.

“And the weird thing about Trump is he’s very different in person than he is on television,” Lovitz said. “But if you want to say, ‘Well, he’s anti-Semitic,’ I go, well, I don’t know, his daughter – he’s crazy about Ivanka [Trump]– converted to Judaism, married a Jewish guy, his grandchildren are Jewish.”

He appeared on Fox News recently to discuss the anti-American protests on college campuses:


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