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Smoking Gun? Unredacted Documents Reveal Deep State Set Up Of President Trump

This is a smoking gun if I’ve ever seen it, but I’ll let you read on and decide how significant this is.

Newly revealed unredacted documents indicate that the General Services Administration (GSA) essentially set up President Trump by shipping pallets of documents to Mar-a-Lago home.

The shipments were made to President Trump after he left office in the Summer of 2021 and reportedly contained the very ‘classified documents’ he is charged with unlawfully holding.

What is the General Services Administration? CBS News explained:

The GSA is a sprawling bureaucracy established in 1949 that now has 12,000 employees and a $21 billion budget.

It works largely behind the scenes to support other federal entities, with responsibility for managing federal office space, procuring supplies, and improving the use of technology across the government.

The GSA provides a presidential transition team with Washington office space and coordinates access to federal agencies to plan potential policy changes with current administration officials, using $6.3 million allocated to support its efforts.

Investigative journalist Julie Kelly provided the documents and stated:

“WELL WELL WELL I am pretty sure we never heard this part of the “classified documents/box” story! More from unredacted motions in FLA–this is from an unsealed transcript of witness interview.

FBI agent says GSA was holding large quantity of Trump’s boxes in VA and then ordered his team to come get them. I am sure NOTHING hanky happened there.”

Julie Kelly went on: “This is an absolutely critical element of the “classified docs” case that Jack Smith never mentioned in his indictment and received only scant media attention.

GSA worked with Trump’s transition team before and after he left office. GSA stored massive amounts of records in boxes then informed transition team the boxes needed to be moved.

6 pallets of boxes were transported to Florida in August 2021–2 pallets went to Mar-a-Lago and 4 went to a storage facility in Palm Beach.

There is no question many of these boxes ended up in the MAL storage room. And keep in mind NARA was harassing Trump throughout 2021 for what they insisted were government records apparently WITHOUT contacting GSA to search dozens of boxes in their possession.”

MAGA patriots called out Jack Smith and the deep state for their orchestrated plot against President Trump directly following his departure from office.

Two years ago, CNN attempted to claim that the GSA was not to blame for shipping the documents to President Trump:

The email exchange between GSA officials and Harrison is one of more than 100 pages of emails and documents newly released by the GSA that debunk claims from Trump and his allies that the government agency is to blame for packing the boxes containing classified documents that were later recovered by the FBI during the search of his Mar-a-Lago resort in August.


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