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WATCH: UFO Caught On Camera From Airplane Window

A passenger aboard a commercial airline flight recently captured what appears to be a UFO on video.

The shiny, metallic, cylindrical object was caught zipping by the airplane at an incredibly high rate of speed and was barely visible in the video.

It wasn’t until the video was reviewed frame-by-frame that a clear picture of the UFO emerged.

Some sources say that the cigar-shaped UFO isn’t a UFO at all, but, rather, a piece of plane debris—this is ridiculous because it is moving at such a high speed and parallel to the ground.

This isn’t deep space. A metal object in the air isn’t going to stay in orbit over New York City—it’s going to fall straight to the ground.

Others have pointed out that the object isn’t cigar-shaped or cylindrical at all and is most likely a round, disc-shaped object. The cylindrical appearance is said to be an optical illusion resulting from the high speed.

The final possibility is that this may be a drone, but why are exotic drones being flown over New York City’s airports?

Take a look at the videos and images below and let us know what you think this is:

According to one UFO researcher who spoke with The New York Post:

The object’s altitude, shape and location — near a major commercial flight path — appears to rule out that it could be a news helicopter, a drone or a military aircraft, Wertman said.

“Drones aren’t supposed to fly at that altitude, at least legally,” he said.

“If it were something related to [military] defense or law enforcement, you normally wouldn’t see it so close to a major flight lane.”

Below is footage of the unusual object moving by the plane at a high rate of speed. The object is not stationary, and the plane is not moving past the object; the object is moving past the plane.

Daily Mail explained what the stunned Reyes did following the extraordinary sighting:

“The first thing I did was email the FAA to let them know what I saw,” Reyes told NewsMax’s Ashleigh Banfield, noting she has yet to receive a response.

She also sent the footage to Enigma Labs and the National UFO database.


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