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CALIFORNIA IS IN PLAY: Over 100,000 Turn Out To See President Trump In Coachella!

Mark it down folks, both California and New York are in play this year and I believe President Trump is about to turn them both RED.

Paint them red, sir!

Why do I believe that?

Simple logic….

Just look where President Trump is campaigning these last few weeks leading up to the election.

He’s hitting BLUE states like California and New York hard!

You don’t do that unless you think you can flip them red AND unless your internally polling data is already showing you have massive leads in the six swing-states.

Otherwise, you do what every other Republican has done for the last 40 years and write them off as already lost and you focus your effort on the so-called “swing states”.


Here’s the data on the last time these two states were in play:

  • New York: The last time New York voted Republican was in 1984, when Ronald Reagan won re-election in a landslide against Walter Mondale.
  • California: The last time California voted Republican was in 1988, when George H. W. Bush won against Michael Dukakis.

I believe they’re both up for grabs this year and I believe President Trump feels like he can win them and make history!

Perhaps history will exactly repeat itself and President Trump, like Reagan, will win all 50 states except Minnesota?

And exact replay incoming?

That’s my prediction.

Because according to President Trump, he just had over 100,000 people (surely a record) join him in Coachella, CA last night:

The atmosphere was electric:

Dan Scavino’s view from the crowd:

Another view:

The crowd was so fired up they kept interrupting with chants of USA! USA!

It’s almost like these people have been so starved for a true patriot and so cut off in far-left Commie-fornia, that they lost their minds seeing a real President who loves America!

Of course the MSM immediately tried to discredit the massive rally….


Here is Newsweek reporting that he “drew thousands” (how dishonest!) and then claiming the venue can only hold 15,000:

Former President Donald Trump descended upon California’s Coachella Valley on Saturday, holding a rally that drew thousands of supporters to the solidly blue state.

The rally, held at Calhoun Ranch on the outskirts of Coachella and Indio, offered a glimpse into Trump’s campaign strategy as he seeks to challenge Vice President Kamala Harris on her home turf in the upcoming election.

Trump took the stage at 5:30 p.m. PST, slightly later than scheduled, to the familiar strains of Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless the U.S.A.”

While Trump campaigned in California, Harris was notably absent from her home state. Instead, she visited North Carolina, a crucial swing state, where she met with Black community leaders and assisted with hurricane relief efforts.

Trump wasted no time in addressing the excited crowd, estimated by the Riverside County Fire Marshall to accommodate up to 15,000 people.

As temperatures soared to over 95 degrees, Trump jokingly polled the audience on whether he should don his iconic “Make America Great Again” hat or showcase his famous hairstyle. Opting for practicality, he put on the cap, noting, “That sun is hot!”

Here’s what I notice from that report….

First of all, they never report the true number that showed up, they simply report the venue can hold 15,000.

It’s a very dishonest and deceptive way to report one fact that is true (the venue holds 15,000) but then give no mention of overflow or people who couldn’t even get in!

So dishonest!

Bo Loudon reports live from the Rally claiming there is absolutely an Overflow in addition to the main venue and BOTH are at Capacity:

These two reports estimate 20,000 in Overflow and 20-25,000 in parking lots unable to get in:


Chuck Callesto reports over 100,000 in attendance:

Then you have this gem….

A (presumable) Far-Leftist thinking they’ve finally “got Trump” because he “left his supporters stranded yesterday in Coachella”:

Funny because I imagine that’s exactly what would happen if over 100,000 people showed up in one place….you’d have one hell of a bad traffic jam getting everyone home and it would probably take hours!

Even when they think they’ve finally “got Trump” they only end up proving him right once again!

Fox News had more on ‘Reagan’ star Dennis Quaid attending the Rally and backing Trump:

“Reagan” movie star Dennis Quaid rallied for former President Trump in Coachella, California, on Saturday, addressing a crowd in the deep blue state that was once Vice President Harris’ turf.

“God bless you. God bless America. I’m here today to tell you that it’s time to pick a side,” Quaid said on stage. “Are we going to be a nation that stands for the Constitution? Or for TikTok? Are we going to be a nation of law and order? Or wide open borders? Which is it? Because it’s time to pick a side.”

Speaking in the desert city east of Los Angeles known for its namesake annual music festival, Quaid said he played President Ronald Reagan, his “favorite president of the 20th century,” in the 2024 biopic. The actor drew parallels between the political landscape when Reagan was first elected and the present.

“It’s amazing how the issues of the 1980 election are very similar to what they are today,” he said, recalling the record high inflation back then, as well as the Iran hostages.

“We were a nation in decline. That’s what they told us. Ronald Reagan came along and said, no, we’re not a nation in decline. We’re going there. And we followed him,” Quaid said, pointing upwards. “The same with Trump, with President Trump. My favorite president of the 21st century.”

The actor said that when he voted for Reagan decades ago, he went home to his roommate in Los Angeles at the time, who asked him who he voted for and told Quaid, “You are kicked out of the hippies.”

“I’m gonna ask you a question that Reagan asked America back then, and I think it’s the question that got him elected. Are you better off than you were four years ago?” Quaid said.

“Four years ago, under President Trump, we had energy,” he said. “We were an energy independent nation. We had cheap gas. We were actually exporting oil to our allies and our friends. Today, Putin is making money hand over fist, selling oil that he uses to pay for his Soviet-style comeback war that he has with Ukraine, and while we’re shutting down our pipelines over here and capping our wells, and begging Saudi Arabia and Venezuela to ‘pretty please, will you please sell us some oil? We’re kind of short right now.'”

When Trump left office, Quaid said, inflation was low and there was “peace in the Middle East,” crediting Trump as having been “right on the verge of accomplishing the Abraham Accords,” making peace between Israel and Arab nations. The actor also said Trump was negotiating a withdrawal from Afghanistan with “honor and order,” recalling how the former Republican president said he threatened a Taliban leader with a satellite image of his house.

Let’s win this thing with the biggest landslide in recorded history!

PAINT THEM RED….CA and NY!  And all the rest too!


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